
What is DNA?

by Guest64085  |  earlier

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It is for genetics and heredity




  1. If you visit this site you can find out just about everything you might want to know

    Good luck !


    What exactly is Heredity if it is not to do with Genealogy ?

    DNA is rapidly becoming a very useful tool in the genealogists armoury, and is quite definitely a subject for genealogists, it is just about the most basic of human history, which can be used, and is being used, to successfully bridge gaps where a paper trail does not exist.

  2. DNA is a living organisms in all cell

  3. This is the genealogy forum.  Not genetics.  They are not the same thing and are not related.  Genealogy is HISTORICAL research.  Genetics is a SCIENCE.  Genealogists are not geneticists.

  4. DNS is the material inside the nucleus of our cells that carries genetic information. The scientific name for DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid. It is what our genes are made of and our genes determine everything about us from the hair and eye color to the to how things taste to us. It determines when and if our hair falls out when we age and at what age. Our heritage or heredity is determined by our genes.

    Genealogy is by definition the study of genes so pay no attention to anyone who says DNA, genetics, and heredity have nothing to do with genealogy.
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