
What is Darwin’s Theory of Evolution all about?

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What is Darwin’s Theory of Evolution all about?




  1. it is a theory of evolution. the strong will evolve and take over like and lead because they evolved faster or better that is why they are in the position they are at.

    example a wealthy man with power evolved faster or better then the people that work for him.

  2. It is about how over time, random mutations in DNA create small changes which will eventually cause a new species to be created. Here's how it works:

    1) Mutations are occuring all the time in a species. A mutation is simply a slight change to what the DNA sequence should be so a child born with a mutation will only be very slightly different from the parents DNA

    2) If a mutation were to occur in an animal that would give it an advantage (e.g. longer legs (run faster), the ability to stand on its back legs (see further), sharper teeth (get food more easily), then that animal is likely to survive and reproduce, passing on the mutated gene

    3) As the mutated gene spreads through the generations, further mutations occur and the advantageous mutations survive. Once the DNA is sufficiently different from the original DNA, a new species is created

    4) This process continues for millions of years and over time very slight changes build up to form many new species

    Putting the basics into context:

    From the above process we can explain how single celled organisms evolve into multi-cellular organisms

    1) A photosynthetic bacteria (single celled organism) divides by mitosis into two new bacteria. However a mutation occured and a single genetic base was lost.

    2) This slight mutation means that when the telophase stage of mitosis is reached (where the bacteria divides into two new bacteria), the cells form two new cells but remain connected together

    3) The two-celled organism divides repeatedly forming a cell cluster

    4) This will only grow to a small size during its lifetime, surviving from photosynthesis. However the multi-cellular organism has effectively changed from the single celled bacteria into a fungus

    5) As further mutations take place, and different cells become adapted to different functions depending on their location in the cell cluster, a clear structure may develop with only the outer cells photosynthesising. Therefore a plant has been created

    This is really simplified, but hope it gave you a bit of an idea about Evolution

  3. The basic principle is one of simpler forms leading to more complex forms; based on the idea of competition and survival of the fittest.

  4. Darwin's Theory of Evolution - The Premise

    Darwin's Theory of Evolution is the widely held notion that all life is related and has descended from a common ancestor: the birds and the bananas, the fishes and the flowers -- all related. Darwin's general theory presumes the development of life from non-life and stresses a purely naturalistic (undirected) "descent with modification". That is, complex creatures evolve from more simplistic ancestors naturally over time. In a nutshell, as random genetic mutations occur within an organism's genetic code, the beneficial mutations are preserved because they aid survival -- a process known as "natural selection." These beneficial mutations are passed on to the next generation. Over time, beneficial mutations accumulate and the result is an entirely different organism (not just a variation of the original, but an entirely different creature).

  5. However unintentionally, it debunks creationism.

    Believe what you will, but Darwin was right.

  6. That life was created gradually, over 4 billion years on earth, following natural laws, and that forms change, as opposed to suddenly, 6,000 years ago, by outside intervention, which believe all forms remain the same, indefinitely!

  7. Survival of the Fittest.

    The strong spread their genes to future generations; the weak are removed from the gene pool. Thus the gene pool slowly removes undesirable or inferior traits...

  8. The Origin of Species.

    That all life on Earth evolved from one common ancestor.

    Here's some great vids,,,

    check 'em out.

    If you get a chance,,,  PBS Nova did a great 6 part series on Darwin and Evolution.......

  9. Darwin was a fool the Catholic church is right, Oink, Oink,

  10. mutation and adaption.

  11. Buy a book, seriously it's fun......

  12. Adaptation. Survival of the fittest to promote that specie continuance, and adaptation of the fittest to populate a given area.

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