
What is David Beckham current wage? ?

by  |  earlier

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just want to know what David Beckham wage is for now in USA.




  1. $6.5 million annual, guaranteed.

  2. 280 million pounds or 50 pounds an hour

  3. Slightly more than the American minimum wage I would guess...I saw him in serving in a San Francisco Macdonalds the other day..

  4. nearly a million dollars a week............

  5. A d**n sight more than mine!!

  6. more than all the added up of bush brown sarkozy hu salaries.

  7. who knows 20m's?

  8. Too Much!!!!

  9. Too Much.

    He's paid more that an entire team combined.

    He's overrated and over paid only be a cocky jerk.

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