
What is Difference and similarties Between ETHICS and Morality?

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this question today my philosophy teacher ask and i cant able to give the answer

give your answer in points like





5 god bless you all




  1. I agree with Loraine A. I couldn't have said it better.

  2. Morality is how you act when no one is looking.

    Ethics is how you behave when you think you might get caught.

  3. Ethics are always associated with the Good. what is right and what is wrong? e.g. Corruption is wrong.

    Moralities are always associated with the Bad. should i do this or should i not do that? e.g. I double cross my friend to earn a richful bright prospective life.

    As simple as ABC!

    2 points for u. 3 points for my bad english. therefore total is 5 points for u. woah...u got it.

  4. I like 2 but i am not a g*y cos he's a straightforward freak! and he tells the truth rather than frictional beautiful lies.

  5. 1. Ethics comes from the Greek word ethos - moral character or custom. Morality comes from the Latin word moralis - custom or manner. The words both deal with the customs or the manner in which people do things. Their modern meanings relate to the way people act - either good or bad.

    2. Morality, strictly speaking, is used to refer to what we would call moral conduct or standards. Morality is looking at how good or bad our conduct is, and our standards about conduct. Ethics is used to refer to the formal study of those standards or conduct. Sometimes, one refers to the study of conduct as moral philosophy, but that is less common than just saying "ethics." Hence, in most chiropractic colleges, there is an ethics class, rather than one named "morality." One might say that morality is ethics in action, but in the end, the two terms can be used interchangeably. The study of ethics or moral philosophy can be divided into three broad areas: descriptive, normative and analytical (or metaethics).

    3. Descriptive ethics is simply describing how people behave. For example, people might say that they think that stealing is bad, but descriptive ethics might tell us, from observing these people, that they may have "downloaded" hundreds of media (in such forms as .mp3 audio or .bmp image) files from file-sharing programs on the Internet. Descriptive ethics let us see if we "walk the walk," and if we are just rationalizing our way past our own moral beliefs.

    4. Sometimes it takes an unbiased observer to point out to us where we are not meeting our own standards. For some, discovering the hypocrisy might just get us to change what we say is good or bad, and adopt and lessen our professed moral code to fit our actions. Hopefully, descriptive ethics can lead to some moral self-reflection and an improvement in our own behavior.

    5. Normative ethics tries to establish norms or typical appropriate behaviors people should perform. In ethics class, I call these the "shoulda,' gotta,' needa,' hafta' do" things. One should be honest; in the language of ethics, this is called "veracity." We know that as health care providers, we should strive to help our patients; this is called beneficence. "Above all, do no harm" (or, as Hippocrates wrote: "primum non nocere") is called "nonmaleficence" in ethics (not "nonmalfeasance"). Fairness, or justice, is another norm. Gratitude and reparations are often mentioned.

    6. Metaethics often looks at how people determine for themselves what norms to follow. I think all parents would agree with me that they have a significant impact on what their children grow up to believe are right and wrong actions. There are many other sources of people's personal ethical beliefs. Generally, we learn good behaviors from our teachers and our religions. In fact, despite all the strife due to religions, the commonality is that they teach norms. The Ten Commandments, for example, is basically a list of norms. For better, or often, for worse, our ethics are also influenced by our peers, and our culture, as seen through the media. Lastly, we have the ability to make changes though moral self-reflection

  6. 1.  I think they're 2 different issues

    2.  Ethics is what is expected of us

    3.  Morality is what we possess

    4.  That's my opinion

    5.  God Bless you too

  7. Ethics and morality are the same in many cases.

    1. Ethics could be considered social agreements.  

    2. What works in regard to a desired goal.  Do we want a stable economy?  Theft should be avoided.  Do we want personal safety from each other?  Murder won't be allowed, etc..

    3.Morality, on the other hand, deals with what is "right" and what is "wrong" in a universal sense regardless of subjective social agreements.

    4.  This assumes a REASON or purpose for such designations.  Without a universal/spiritual existence (not religion-specific), such designations can't exists.  

    5.  If an action isn't socially tolerated but the individual doesn't care about the effects of their action or the consequences they "may" suffer (people do get away with crime) then can it be said to be "wrong?"  If a murderer and a healer end up the same in the end (ceasing to exist, most don't understand what that really means), and the murderer lived a better life (say they got away with lots of money, had a nice safe mansion), isn't he personally better off?  Should he care that someone else doesn't think he's a good person?

    6.  Ethically or morally,

    --- It's ethical, in our society, to live your lifestyle in accordance to how much you earn and are worth... you "should" give to charity.  Is it moral to eat steak and have a big screen tv and watch someone else is starve to death on the street?  Is that the individual's problem or the societies, and should the individual not care?

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