
What is Difference between Bravery and intelligence ?

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yeastarday 6 bad boys came and they were talking in ruff language to old man and her daughter in tha park and disturbing them

i oppose it and they beat me very badly and they destroyed my all clothes and broke my teeth and nose

physically i am hurted

but emotionally i am very happy,i am satisfied that i oppose a wrong thing,if they give me 20 slaps i give them atleast 2.

does cowards live in more benefit that brave,

give your answer in points like






6 and please write your location,name and what are you doing?

i will be thankful to you brothers and sisters


vaibhav saxena

philosopy honors 1 year student

hindu college india no 2 college ,delhi university

my aim is to top delhi university can you give me any adive realted to this also?

god bless you all bye now i am going to study at present i am in cafe




  1. Give it back to them the same way the give it to you.  If you never stand up for yourself then life is just a mindless journey toward death.

  2. i like the serenity prayer for this one..grant me the serenity to  accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can, and the wisdom to know the difference.. Being brave isn't effective without wisdom.  You must know your limitations as well as you assets.  Bravery with out wisdom is just sheer luck.  That's just me.

  3. A coward dies many deaths and the brave only die once. Way to go in standing up to them!!!! I say 1 - life would not be worth living if you were a coward.

    Bruises and broken bones heal.......  

  4. Bravery is knowing when to be unintelligent.

    1) Brave people are happier

    2) Brave people have more confidence

    3) Cowards are fickle and untrustworthy

    4) Cowards care only about themselves

    Andy M.

    Home computer

    11th grade

  5. Intelligence is doing the right thing.  Bravery can be derived from intelligence.

    i don't think cowards live in more benefit than brave.


    1.  cowards are often bullied, thus, making cowards have a miserable life

    2.  cowards cannot succeed.  they are always shy.  I had been a very coward person before so i know the very disadvantages of being one.  I can't even ask corrections in my testpapers.  I don't recite.  That's whay I get not-so-satisfying grades.

    3.  cannot make many friends.  cowards will often pull others down, so they should make friends with courageous people who don't have a tendency to be pulled down...

    4.  cannot fight for the people they care about.

    5.  too dependent.. :(

    6.  philippines

    --  jadurani davalos

    -- 2nd yr secondary school student (grade 8..?), 13 yrs old...

    my aim is also to top in school and in college, so i would be able to give a very good service to my dear Lord...

    ...  i still need to do the script for our project, email it to the leader

    project, homeworks,.... this answers site quite hinders me from doing what i need to do....  2 weeks from now, would be our periodical test and i (not-so-seriously) challenged one of my classmates to compete with me for academic performance....  the results of the PT... no late submission for projects.....  :(

    *i love your username.. :D  you see the Paramatma in all human beings.

  6. Bravery is what u did.

    Intelligence is escaping that situation without hurting anybody. dont confuse it with cowardice.

    I give you 3 pts. out of 6 50%

    Chaitali N.


  7. If you ask me than I have no hesitation telling you that courage enables us to b intelligent, and fear, fear makes cowards of us all, causes our senses to paralyse and our brains to congeal and palpitate as tough it were a heap of jelly. Then our intelligence pays us back, as it enables us to get out of sticky situations, even before that, plan in advance for things that might cause us harm. If you are intelligent then you could gather courage, and if not, then you might even lose whatever you might have.

    You see, courage in fact is not merely the state of excitement in the mind, a temporary state assumed only when we encounter situations of fear or fright. Courage on the other hand, is a capacity endowed to us quite naturally but to varying degrees. We can enable ourselves within the limits of our natural capacities, but all enabling requires a certain amount of courage. For instance, it requires courage to learn, to know the truth, to challenge our beliefs and to call to question something we find questionable in life.

    I hope you would remember and appreciate how courageous of you was to draws the first line on the paper with your pencil, i.e. to learn to read and write, to complete your first book from cover to cover and the first time you learnt to ride a bicycle, made a friend, agreed on something, or made a choice.

    This might seems that all the things I mentioned in the previous paragraph require us to be intelligent, but as you can seen all things require us to be brave as well. Then the difference between courage and intelligent is diminishing, the line of demarcation between what is like being intelligent and what is like being brave is blurring. It takes courage to see right from wrong, good from bad, and friend from foe.

    I think the find difference between bravery and intelligence is that our bravery belongs to us, whereas, our intelligence to our world.

  8. 1 Cowards die a 1000 times but the brave die but once.

    2 Intelligence is what the brain knows bravery is what what the heart feels.

    3 Valiant is where you go into a situation where you know you're going to loose but you do it anyway because it's the right thing to do.

    Rabidwolf way down here in NM

    I'm at the library answering questions hoping to make some kind of a difference.

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