
What is Direct Buy in Vancouver, BC?

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Does anyone knows what Direct Buy is? I heard they are not open for the public. Do they have good buys?




  1. I know someone who is a member of a Direct Buy in Toronto.  Their memberships are very expensive, like the person above me said, something like 800 dollars.  It isn't worth it to the average person who just wants to buy a stove or fridge, but when you are completely renovating a new house and need all new furniture too, its a good deal.  The couple I know said that you need to know what you want before you go in, so you shop at other stores decide on the style you want then order it from Direct Buy.  You are paying the wholesale value of things such as tiles, appliances, and fixtures like sinks etc.  Those can have a big mark up so when your saving a hundred dollars off the cost of each thing, and you buy dozens of products from them, its well worth it.  I however, would never use anything like that so yeah, I wouldn't need a membership.

  2. thats what the commericals say

    but since they advertise to the public, I dont think it means much

    sorta like costco is "not open to the public" but tons of people have membership cards.

  3. You buy a very expensive membership, supposedly to get their "good deals" on furniture, appliances, anything for the home. Sounds really shady, actually, kinda cult-ish. Maybe it's some sort of multi-level marketing. Check with the Better Business Bureau, consumer organizations, etc. and on the web to see if there are complaints.

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