
What is Direct X9 for PC games??

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My daughter recently got 2 GameMillPublishing PC games: "Puppy Luv Adventures" and "Let's Ride". Both games require Windows XP (which we have) and a Direct X video/sound card. I have looked on & neither site turned up any info on what Direct X is.

Does anyone know where I can get this?




  1. DirectX is a set of standards (and hardware drivers) published by Microsoft so they can "standardize" the PC peripheral scene in regard to gaming. It used to be that every 3D maker introduce their own standards, and the result was mass market confusion, as nobody knows what to buy, so nobody buys anything. Now you know what if you buy a video card that's certified for Windows, it'll work in a Windows machine.

    You'll need to find out what kind of video card and sound card are currently in your machine (yes, it would have them built-in). Those two games sound relatively simple so they shouldn't need too fancy video or sound cards. I'd say install the game and give it a try.  

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