
What is ENGLIGHTMENT? A diffcult question, i use my Mind but i cant able to understand ENGLIGHTMENT,help me?

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englightment is described as liberation from all suffrings,how it can be possible

till there is human life ,pain follow by pleasure,happiness follow by misery

we had to maximize happiness and minimize pain

freedom from all suffring is only possible after death.

than what is englightment? did you understand it

give your answer in points like





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i will be thankful to you brothers and sisters

god bless you all


vaibhav saxena

philosphy honors 1 year student

hindu college delhi university,india no 2 college

just taken admission

i ask this question to my philosophy teacher but his answer not satisfied me today,i never understand it nor he able to explain it properly

at present buddhist philosophy is going on in our class




  1. The definition of enlightenment you gave is the Buddhist belief of enlightenment.  Its not a universal meaning.

    What that meaning is trying to convey is that suffering is a feeling and emotion that is part of the physical life we have here on earth. But our true spirit doesn't have to succumb to these restrictions, and we have to learn that no matter what may happen to our bodies, our spirits must learn to be liberated and they will be once we learn how to nurture our spirits aside from our bodies -- then true enlightenment will be achieved.

  2. i think you are going too deep  in your thoughts.   enlightment is just being able to understand.  liberation from all suffrings----  may mean freedom (liberation) from confusion of thoughts or misunderstandings/  (sufferings,)  You confusing me.  actually i didn't really know what you were asking. i was just explaining what enlightenment- meant to me!!!!

  3.           attachment to constructs will limit your "getting it"

    start with mindful awareness of every moment

    attentive mind present to each breath ,

    what is at hand, , and what is arising

    follow zen, that is another

    enlightenment is a piece of string.

    understanding nonduality and

    feeling total union with  the absolute

    are different    knowings..

    try psyilcyben mushrooms  or  DMT  

    that wont answer any questions, but it may peel back a few veils.

    determination to know will lead you

    there is no there, every where is here.

    out of nowhere is now here

    Is is.

    there are subtleties to enlightenment,

    and practice is in the moment.

    as you will

  4. Enlightenment doent have to be just what you say as "liberation from all suffering".

    NO world can be free "of all suffering".

    But more to the point,have you never done any math(s).

    And "worked something out"?

    i think you have,like BILLIONS of people tomorrow and likewise in the past.THIS is (so-called) "enlightenment".

    Forget some or most of your (rather useless) teaching;i refer to the STILL COMMON taught rubbish,about learning from and idolising the silly Definitions-al-typical nonsense be unaware is (a big factor in)responsible for similar wrong questions like this.

    Sorry to be so blunt;but one gets a little annoyed that such wordy/ideas like "Enlightenment" can be held to be so important and necessary.

    Well,such so-called(and definitive-whatever that means!) important and "mature" ideas and words, have,in reality,little or NO substance,little or no real relevance in our world-whether our world meaning our country or meaning our little enclosed-and-secret academic,historical place(!)

    Ferget ur definitions;learn something longer lasting and more fruitful,more relevant to what our better teachers knew we should be learning(example, the "enlightenment" of global warming,or how we go about doing something about such things as the current,dangerous situation posed by the melting Ice caps,ecetera!)

  5. what is ENLIGHTENMENT?

    To cut to the chase (to be brief) and in my personal opinion....

    When you can look at a fly, cockroach, friend, enemy, happiness, sadness, life death....... everything..... and within you, your mind, soul and spirit (your everything) connects and you feel ONE with it or that (no separation) and something inside you says....."I AM THAT".  

    You see yourself in everything and everything in you.

    You are ONE with EVERYTHING and EVERYTHING is one with you.

    How can you confirm this?  God's creation will know and serve/obey you.  You would, of course, be a saint and enlightened being.

    Basically, the journey to enlightenment is all about self-realization and making the connection with God.  be still and you will know me.  Just like Buddah.  Buddah, eventually, after trying everything, sat down under the tree and would not move until he became enlightened.

    Please note that before enlightenment, Buddah went through the PROCESS of finding out BEFORE he sat under the tree.

    Regarding freedom from suffering.... One certainly suffers a lot during the PROCESS of becoming enlightened, but I think that it is necessary to attain enlightenment.

    Example:  No matter how you describe, in words, a burn from fire, you will never describe it better than the actual experience of the pain.

    I apologize for being so brief, and that I am not a teacher, and ask you to please excuse my poor presentation.

    Please excuse your teacher.  Teaching is a very taxing profession and mostly teachers have to adhere to strict teaching rules set down by the Board of Directors.

    Thank you for sharing this with us.

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