
What is Elementary Statistics MAT 120?

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Any clue what Elementary Statistics MAT 120 consists of and can some please describe this course. It is one of the college mathematics courses I must select and was wondering what this course was all about




  1. Elementary Statistics usually consists of the following topics:

    Lesson 1 - Sampling and Data

    Lesson 2 - Descriptive Statistics

    Lesson 3 - Probability Topics

    Lesson 4 - Discrete Distributions

    Lesson 5 - Continuous Random Variables

    Lesson 6 - The Normal Distribution

    Lesson 7 - The Central Limit Theorem

    Lesson 8 - Confidence Intervals - Known

    Lesson 9 - Hypothesis Testing, Single Mean and Single Proportion

    Lesson 10 - Hypothesis Testing: Two Means, Two Proportions, Paired Data

    Lesson 11 - The Chi-Square Distribution

    Lesson 12 - Linear Regression and Correlation

    Of course, it is all college-specific.

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