
What is Evangelicalism and what is their political views?

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is evangelicalism something bad are they extremist religious people?...

do they have any specific political views or it is like any religion were there is different political views?




  1. It depends on whether you are from the US or Europe. In the US, it is tends to mean the same thing as fundamentalism, i.e. a literal approach to the interpretation of the Bible. E.g. that God created the universe in 6 days, got tired and rested on the seventh, there was a global flood and only 8 survived, etc.

    In Europe, it generally means something different, although some evangelicals and their churches have become 'americanised', and they do use the term in the same way as our US cousins. But the traditional meaning refers to those who make the gospel (evangel) of Jesus Christ central to their message and beliefs. They do not insist on a literal interpretation of the bible as long as one confesses that 'Jesus is Lord'. Among evangelicals in this sense, one would include theologians and scholars such as Barth, Bonhoeffer, FF Bruce, JI Packer, Oscar Cullman, etc.

    Forgot about the political bit.  Almost all US evangelicals are right-wing in their politics, to the extent that some of them would make God a Republican of the neo-con variety. Many of them from the prophetic wing believe in hastening the Armageddon, the final battle between the righteous and evil forces of the universe before the parousia, by goading Israel and its enemies into a conflict. The US of course has a prominent role in this battle, siding with Israel. In other areas,  US evangelicals are anti-g*y, pro-life, anti-communist, anti-socialist, anti-unions, anti-EU, etc. , all consistent with right-wing politics. In Europe, there is a broader spread of political views among evangelicals. Some are even socialists or communists. Many evangelicals in Central America are also advocates of liberation theology, anathema in the eyes of US 'evangelicals'.

  2. All christians are not Consevatives that is a myth!

    Only Republicans use that to get votes!

  3. It's not bad or any worse than the same level of passionate people for other reasons. Some would call us extremists, but people mock what they don't understand.  I know evangelicals who are liberal, but most are conservative. Bono and other members of U2 are Christians in this sense. They tend to be fairly liberal.

    This is where many of the so-called "open minded liberals" cease to be open minded. Because Evangelicals believe in what the Bible says and TRY not to deviate from it. Everybody makes mistakes, but Evangelicals TRY to  live by the Word of God and get hammered by some of those that don't believe or are unwilling to live this way. We are called hypocrites, intolerant, backwards, etc. But, those who really are Christlike, and follow the example He set, are none of those things. Evangelicals believe that there is only one way to get to Heaven, and that is to ask Jesus Christ to forgive your sins, and make Him Lord of your life. It's what the Bible says, and those that choose to ignore, are ignoring the Bible.

  4. It's someone who spreads the word of God.  That's it.  Usually they are conservatives, because they are usually church goers.   They don't have to be crazy or weird, just believers who believe that the bible says to tell your fellow man about Jesus and God.  

    A lot of liberals will try to make you think that these people are crazy and that's simply not true. Both liberals and conservatives can be evangelicals, but it's usually conservatives or Republicans.

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