
What is Exxon's NET profit (cents) per gallon of gas @3.60/gal?

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NET profit is after "cost of doing business" such as taxes (state and federal), production, storage and delivery of the product to the pump.




  1. The gas stations which are mostly independently owned make about 5-7 cents a gallon. This is before expenses.

  2. Associated Press Business Writer, JOHN PORRETTO, reported the following detail on May 1, 2008 for Exxon's 1Q 2008 earnings:

    "... the company said it made about 4 cents per gallon on petroleum-product sales in the most-recent quarter, down from 8 cents a gallon in the year-ago quarter. Those products include gasoline and diesel."


    I assume Exxon's statement of "4 cents/gal" is NET profit (after taxes).

  3. It's profit per gallon is less than 12 cents.

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