
What is Ezekiel chapter 17 verse 7-10 teaching us?

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if any body know please tell me




  1. Ezekiel 17:7-10 is part of a much longer story wherein Ezekiel is told to tell a parable from God to the Israelites.  It shows that they have been in rebellion against God, and they have begun to turn away from Him toward a new god.  And, according to the parable, there prosperity will lessen if they follow that path.

  2. I beleieve its telling you if you do not listening to the word of God, and not do what has been instructed by Him to do, your faith will whither away and die,but if you read,listen ,and do the will of God,your faith will grow and blossom  into a beautiful tree, that can not uprooted or ruined by man, or the winds that blow across this land! So, beleieve in God, follow God, do His work in all you do,say, and act. God is your heavenly Father-----Shouldn't you be a reflection of Him?Treat people the way you yourself wants to be treated!God Bless you!

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