
What is FAB Analysis?

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What is FAB Analysis?




  1. Some of these answers are somewhat on target. FBA or Functional Behavior Assessment is a tool or tools which is a general term. The actual assessment is left up to the individual based on the environment of the student or the severity of the behavior.

    The word functional, in behavioral literature, indicates the purpose or "why" the behavior is occurring-- how the behavior functions for the individual. So, the term, itself, just means to use an available behavior tool/assessment to determine the function of behavior... and, in turn, determine intervention accordingly. The assessment does not tell you how to treat the student or even what methods of intervention to use... it should ONLY define the function of the behavior or when and where the behavior is most likely to occur. You, or a professional (BCBA), should then evaluate treatment and test with the information you have.

    Some examples of an FBA are simply collecting ABC data, conducting a Functional Analysis, or collecting descriptive data or a combination thereof... You should, again, get input from a professional to determine which assessment is appropriate for the behavior you are observing and the environment the student is in.

    Your results should tell you the function... which would tell you the behavior functions to 1. gain access to social attention, 2. gain access to preferred item/activity 3. Escape task/activity or 4. Sensory/Automatic.

    Results could indicate clearly how the behavior functions or could give you a combination. Once you have the info, you can then test treatment taking into account schedules of reinforcement and programming...

  2. Fast Atom Bombardment is a soft ionization technique to determine the molecular weight of non-volatile compounds.

    An FBA is a functional behavior assessment as was mentioned by the previous person. As a further explanation, the person performing the FBA is trying to determine the environmental conditions that are in evidence just before the behavior occurs, the reward the misbehavior gets for being performed, possible behaviors to teach to replace the problem behavior and to determine ways to reinforce the new behavior.

    As was mentioned before, using this information to create a behavior intervention plan is very important. You can create changes to the environment so that the behavior does not occur, you can teach a new behavior to replace the old behavior and reward it.

    People usually just fill out the BIP form with no intention of changing environmental conditions or teaching the new behavior. It is almost as though they think it is some magic pill that once taken will have its own effect.

  3. Because you asked this question in the special education section, I think you might mean Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA).  It is a process by which problem behavior is analyzed to determine the cause and to create solutions.  A professional observes the child in various school environments, reviews records, and interviews stakeholders (teachers, counselors, parents) to gain a full understanding.  "Professional" is a loosely used term with FBAs, because they are regularly conducted by persons who have no training, including principals.  A properly done FBA and resulting behavior improvement plan (BIP) can be a wonderful thing.  A poorly done FBA and BIP are, at best, worthless.  I suggest researching FBAs though credible sites.  If you did not mean FBA, I'm sorry for having you read this response.
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