
What is FY 09 NCORP all about?

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My husband found out on Friday he is on this list. I am worried about it because i don't understand it and the fact we own our home. He either doesn't know much about it either or doesn't want me to because he doesn't want to talk about it. So my questions are ...if he is number 108 out of 40 does that mean they only need 40 people? And if so, if 40 people on the NCORP list voulnteer during phase 1 does this mean he won't be required to retrain? If he does have to retrain can he choose to come back to the base we are at? I just recently started (starts Aug.14) a 9 month program to Medical Assisting. We already paid the tuition and the class can't transfer since its a technical school. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.




  1. Yes,it means  that forty people with his rank in his career field have to re-train.  My husband is on the same list, but number 132 and they need 175 (so it's not looking good for us...)  Any one on that list (including your hubby) can put in for voluntary retraining, if they really want to get out of their career field.  However, if the forty slots are not filled by the end of phase one (voluntary) then at the beginning of phase two (1 Oct 08) the AF will start with number one and see if they have signed up for something new, if so great, they move to number two.  Let's say number two didn't sign up for a new career (maybe they were hopeing to get lucky and have enough other people move out of the field) , well, they no longer get to to choose, the AF now assigns them to their new career (usually a critically manned one) and then off they go to that tech school.  They go up the list until the forty slots are full.  If there are 20 people who's number is above 41, that volunteer to leave even though they don't have to, then only number 1-20 are in trouble.  I hope that makes seance.  

    For example, my hubby's career field needs 175 TSgts to cross train, he is number 132 on the list.  There will have to be 44 people who's number is higher then 176 that volunteer to cross train for him to be safe and help the AF meet the goal of 175 without taking him.  

    Good Luck!  The only benifit we have found so far, is that there are several career fields that are offering bonuses right now.  

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