
What is Federation of Filipino Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry FFCCCI Pedro Tan Tiong Sian scam ?

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Pedro Tan Tiong Sian scam




  1. Perhaps you have guessed rightly.

  2. While the organization itself might exist, that doesn't mean a scammer hasn't coopted the name to APPEAR to be legitimate... check them out for yourself: allows you to search for their IP... turn on your full headers and check... If the IP is from a known scammer, it will show up... if you don't get a hit that way, check the data base at: ...if nothing shows up, post your email under: and someone will check them out for you... (please include FULL headers minus your personal information)... If you've checked them and are convinced they are scammers, please forward a copy of their email to,, etc... whoever their provider is...

  3. Well, I googled the words "Federation of Filipino Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry" and found this website and it seemed authentic to me. They have given several photographs where President of Phillippines Gloria is seen and moreover their contact address is also given. So it seems alright to me though I am not sure. But yes, the website is copyrighted upto 2007 only though we we have already almost half of 2008.

    As regards the name "Pedro Tan Tiong Sian", I found the name on the same website here He is 'Ways and Means' committee member. I dont think there is something fishy about it. But please also visit this page and see this name on serial no.1938. But it dates back to 1975! Maybe someone else with a similar name.

    However, if you think it is some 'scam', I assume you won't fall for it, right? And do inform if you find anything wrong with these guys, ok.

    Hope I helped.

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