
What is Flight Mode?

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Im going on holiday on tuesday and im taking my mobile with me so i wanna know what flight mode is.




  1. Flight mode cuts the signal to your phone so you can still play games/listen to music on the flight but it won't make or receive calls and texts.

  2. Flight mode is a way to turn the wireless off your phone. While your phone is on flight mode, you can't call people, recive calls, text, etc. Your phone can still play games, take pics and videos, and play music (if it has an mp3 player.)

  3. just means your phone powers on but doesn't actually transmit a signal so you can read old messages and stuff like that but you can't make calls or text

  4. All the previous answers are correct.  It's also called "safety mode" or "airplane mode."  Check to see if your phone has that feature first --some do some don't.

  5. That is the mode the phone is set to to prevent any electronic interference with the plane. Basically, you won't able to make any calls or send messages when the phone has the flight mode on, but you can still use all other functions on the phone.
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