
What is Forest Conservation?What is Forest Resources?Describe Food Chains in the Forest?

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for class 7 level




  1. Forest Conservation has two possible meanings. The first is the view that (some) forests should not be interfered with by man in any way. This does not really fit the definition of conservation however. The second I will quote from the Sustainable Forestry Initiative and the father of American Forestry Gifford Pinchot.

    “Conservation is the foresighted utilization, preservation and/or renewal of forests, waters, lands and minerals, for the greatest good of the greatest number for the longest time.”

    Basically this means to use our resources in an intelligent manner so that they last as long as possible and help as many as possible. Common sense stuff.

    Now for Forest Resources...there are so many where do I start?

    Timber and wood




    Watershed Protection

    Erosion control and prevention

    Riparian buffers

    Storm water control

    Carbon Sequestration

    The list goes on and on but I think that this is enough to give you a general idea and I'm sure you can think of many more.

    Now a food chain in the forest. This depends on where on earth this forest is of course so if mine doesn't suit your needs  you should be able to alter it.

    First the sun of course

    Small plants and trees





    Really its just a stair step but trees are important as you are in the forest. You could also say trees produce mast (acorns etc.) which are eaten by squirrels which are then eaten by hawks. Just let your imagination run with it.

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