
What is Gary Ablett's chances of brownlow medal against Jimmy Bartel?

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What is Gary Ablett's chances of brownlow medal against Jimmy Bartel?




  1. you would think pretty good. i am a geelong fan and the past couple of weeks i think jimmy has been playing better than garry. and garry lost about three or four weeks with his ankle so you gotta take that into account. but gary had much better start of the season to jimmy so it would be interesting to see what happens. and dont forget the players from other clubs like brent harvey and adam cooney they still have a chance but i being a die hard cat fan would like to see garry win!!

  2. Both guys have been extreemely consistent throughout the year, playing extreemely well! I think that Bartel has played more games then ablett yet ablett seems to be just that small bit better when dodging tackles and running hard - but bartel can take amazing marks and kick lots of goals, so it will be a tight one and ablett can defently over take bartel in the voting but it will be a close one since they are both such talanted players.

  3. hmm pretty good, he is still the favourite to win it. Abbletts first half on the season was extrodinary but his second half hasent being as good due to injury. Jimmy bartel has shown alot in the last 8 or so weeks. Boomer Harvey could still easily win it aswell .  

  4. Pretty good, but why doesnt Cameron Ling ever get considered for a brownlow?  Hes a great play for the Cats and AFL in general (not that the other two arent)..

  5. well i reckon it could be fairly even!

    But i would rather see Jimmy a total hottie win again then to see that ugly, bald girl they call Ablett win!

  6. It's hard to say, especially since Ablett was out for a few weeks. The problem with Geelong, is that they have to many consistent players taking votes off each other, and it makes it easier for someone from a different team to poll more votes.

  7. **I think Gary Ablett Jnr has a great chance of winning the Brownlow medal because he has had such a great season.  Despite missing three games due to injury, I still think he'll poll very well.

    Last year Gary was the one of the favourites to win the Brownlow and Jimmy ended up winning it so I guess there's a chance that it could happen again this year. Jimmy also missed the last two rounds of the season due to surgery he had and still came out a few votes ahead of everyone else.

    The biggest problem I believe that Geelong will face in the Brownlow voting this year is they have such a good side and a lot of great players that they could take votes away from each other.**

  8. Boomer harvey for sure. little gary has no chance

    CARN THE KANGAS!!!!!!!!

  9. Nah - not this year.  See last year, I think a lot of Cats players flew under the radar.  No one realised just how good they were.  (Forget Ablett and Bartel - it's the other guys who average more than 20 possesions and sometimes they're more useful ...

    Players with more than 400 possies this year ....

    Ablett, Bartel, Corey, Enright, Kelly, Johnson, Selwood, Mackie, Ling

    20 possies in any game SHOULD earn you a brownlow vote ... but there's only 126 possible votes (if you got 3-2-1 each game) - say the Cats get 108 like they did last year then how do you share those votes amongst those NINE guys and the seven others over 300 possies to come up with a brownlow?

  10. I think Joel Corey is more deserving of the medal, this year, than the two you have mentioned. Though i don't think it will happen - Joel isn't high profile enough!

  11. He deserved it last year and missed out. His first 14-15 games should see him win it although I think Adam Cooney from the Bulldogs is a real chance.

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