
What is Germany known for?

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Isnt is known for chocolate?

Can I get an answer not associated with tourism?

And also something a teahcer would like to hear please.

Oh and I need this by 10:00!




  1. Better known for beer, obsession with efficiency and lingering feelings of guilt over WWII.  In terms of food, I'd go with schnitzel, pretzels, bratwurst and spatzle.

  2. Cars (Mercedes Benz,  BMW , Volkswagen ), Chocolate  ,Cheese , Oktoberfest, Beer, Fasching/Carneval,Black  Forest , Dog  Breeds (Doberman, Rottweiler ,Doxie, German Shepherd,German Pinscher , Pomerian ect),Wine  , Vineyards.

  3. Beer...

    Oh and trying to take over Europe.

    They should just stick to beer.

  4. n***s.

  5. Killing Jews, Being stupid, plus Hiter had to take out a loan to hire a sheepherder to tie his shoes.

  6. hi, i'm a german girl from hamburg and when i read such things like gremany is known for n***s i could get crazy!!!

    the german people are mostly friendly and germany is known for really good beer, pricey alcohol, and wonderful old cities....

    sorry for my english

  7. Autobahn.  This is equivalent to American highways.  They were built for the sole purpose of getting tanks to certain areas during WW2.  That is why they are so efficient and large.  Also, Volkswagen was started by Hitler to get a cheap but very reliable car to the Germans.  Also, Hitler wasn't German, he was Austrian.  Germany is also known for their Oktoberfest which is nothing more than a fest for harvest season.  It is the Americans that made it into what it is today.  Anything that has to do with WW2 is illegal now.  You can be arrested if you have any n**i memorabilia.

  8. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen invented the X-Ray machine.  

    Goethe was a famous poet.

  9. Switzerland is known for chocolate. (Do you know the simpsons? what the simpsons says is wrong. In Germany we know the simpsons)

    Germany is known for:

    They invented the mp3-Codec, the computer (Konrad Zuse), the car (Karl Benz), letterpress (Johannes Gutenberg)

    They invented the word kindergarten.

    The pope Benedikt XVI comes form Germany.

    In Germany lives 80 Mil. people.

    The German Minister of Finance Theo Weigel founded the name Euro. (The Euro is currency of many European countries (18)) Germany is member of the EU (European Union), Nato and UN.

    Many world wide working

    Enterprises come from Germany for example. Daimler-Chrysler, SAP, Deutsch Post (DAL), Münchner Rück (<- the biggest

    reinsurance), BMW (Bayrische Motoren Werke => Bavarian motors factory, cars), VW (Volkswagen, cars for example the Beetle), Porsche (cars for example 911)

    Germany was three times football

    football world champion (1954, 1974, 1990). A famous football player is Franz Beckenbauer. A famous football clup is called FC Bayern München. The last football world championchip was in Germany. In Germany football (American call football soccer) ist the most popular sport.

    In Germany there are mountains (Die Alpen) there are lakes (Bodensee, Ammersee) many national parks (Bayrischer Wald, Schwarzwald). Well-known islands are Helgoland, Sylt, Rügen.

    Famous Germans are/was Martin Luther Karl Benz (

    invented the car), Albert Einstein (E=mc2), Wernher von Braun (V2, Saturn moon rocket).

    In Germany you have to separates your garbage in different garbage can. Paper in the green can, plastic and packing in the yellow, bio garbage in the brown ant the rest in the gray garbage can. (this is no joke, it is true)

    Famous German painters are Carl Spitzweg and Albrecht Dürer.

    Famous German writers are Wolfgang Goethe, Friedrich von Schiller, Bert Brecht, Günter Grass (Nobel Prize winner) Thomas Mann (Nobel Prize winner)

    Famous German composer are Ludwig van Beethoven and Johann Sebastian Bach. Importent Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart came form Austria (Österreich Austria is not Australia). Austria is a own country. It is sout of Germany. The Austrian talks German, too

    The Loreley a Rock, which is in the river Rhein.

    The Oktoberfest in Munic (The biggest folk festival of the world, There are you can buy bavarian beer in 1 liter glasses)

    For you auntie-kryst a very long German word Donaudampfschifffahrtskapitän. (tr. the captain on a steamboat on the river Donau)

    @jdecorse25: You can go in prison, too. When you say in the WII there was no holocaust on the jude and other people. (

    @jdecorse25: What you said about the Autobahn is a bit wrong. (when you can speak German read this side

    short: the first Autobahn was the AVUS in Berlin. It was build in the year 1921 (Hitler takeover was 1933, 1921 Germany was a Democracy). Germany made the plan to build the total German Autobahn (in German all substantive begin with a upper case) net in the year 1926. First, this plan was disabled by the n***s party (NSDA) and other parties in the parlement.

    In the year 1933 Hitler came on power. He took this plan and used it for his provaganda. He said that all people can find work. Until 1939 (the beginn of the WII) Hitler built only 3300 km (aim was 6900 km) because the most people worked for the arm industry.

  10. n**i and Hitler

  11. hitler

  12. Porcshe, Freud, Adolf Hitler, Anne Frank, Mercedes, Sausages (Wurst) etc :-)

  13. beer, wine, sausages, and very long words

  14. sauerkraut, beer...

  15. what kinda a**holes post this WW2 sh*t???

    Germany is a fantastic country, very diverse, the people are so lovely - of the nicest kind! They are "puenktlich", very reliable and overwhelmingly friendly.

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