
What is Global warming meant for you???

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What is Global warming meant for you???




  1. that my kids kids kids will probably die because of it.

  2. The earth has been warming since the last ice age. At this part of the warming it means to me that an almost desert climate where I live is actually getting cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter which is pretty much ideal. But if the ocean levels continue to rise I'll be inundated with massive flooding which isn't especially ideal.

  3. that death is heading our way

  4. Guilt

  5. it doesn't mater because in December of 2012 a commit will collide with earth and we will all die

  6. dirty air,sea,illegal loggers,all that is harmful to our earth!

  7. I recycle, make fewer trips with my car, use canvas bags at the store, compost, instead of walking past trash on the ground I pick it up, bought a car with fewer emissions, turn my lights and such off when I leave the room, wash my laundry in cold water, buy energy efficient light bulbs.

    Mostly due to the fact that I just normally clean up after myself and partially due to global warming.

    I can't really pinpoint what it's meant to me but it has definitely affected me.

    Good question.

  8. Gore took care of that for Me. His movie is a lie and designed to deceive children.

  9. it wont effect us now...but yeah def our great great grandkids and that generation probably :(

  10. Its an annoying political agenda based on a hypotheses that we can't even test!

    We don't have accurate temperature data points going back the last 200 years!

    So its basically meant just a headache listening to politicians bicker about it!

  11. Global Warming means long walks through the falling snow, laughter, and charging sheep with carbon credits for their shameful methane emissions.

  12. I think its a natural phase the earth goes through periodicaly that people cannot induce. although that does not mean we can't make it worse

  13. Well since the earth is going through a natural warming cycle agriculture will thrive and everything will grow much better.Believe me, it's much better than going through an iceage.

  14. The world fluctuates like a pendulum. It has gone through warming and cooling cycles throughout its existence. Core sample from the artic prove this. Additionally, yes the Artic ice mass has been shrinking but yet the Antarctica ice mass is larger than it has been in centuries. The earth achieves equilibrium with its self and adjusts throughout time. Worry about cancer, your children and you have a greater chance to die of this than global warming.

  15. The truth is all the other weirdies out there thinking that global warming is going to kill us all are not right... I don't even know if global warming is true or not maybe in the future but not now..... and it is sooooo not that bad right now so all the super-libral people out there need to calm down they are getting all hyped about something that is not even true maybe and certainly not that bad!

  16. Max T i like your answer. I cant vote yet so i thought id tell you.

  17. the end of humanity...crazy weather, rising sea levels, severe droughts, etc.

  18. I think it is a huge issue needed to be solved. imagine the risk if temperatures keep rising maybe not for us, but our grandchildren's children. All i know is we need to start adapting, as in, creating more ecofreindly product and energy conservation and transportation alternative. Hop on your bikes or walk.

  19. No much, if it wasn't for the media and hype, I doubt seriously if anyone would know it's happening.

  20. that its just a cycle

    just like the earth orbits around the sun the sun orbits around the centre of the universe and just like theres winter and summer for the earth theres a cold period and hot period for our solar system thats why there was an ice age and theres gona be another one after these phsycos stop complaining about global warming

  21. Food grows better in places where they previously could not grow their own food.

  22. its not that much harful for us but it could be fatal for our successors...

    i think its natural but we r increasing its rate by polution we r creating.....

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