
What is God's origin?

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I don't understand the rationality behind believing the God was "simply present".




  1. Everyone either believes that something is eternal or that nothing is eternal.  Which do you choose.  Whatever you call eternal that by definition has the ability to ultimately or immediately create everything that there is from that which is too small for the microscope to see to that which is too far for the telescope to see.  Whatever is eternal ultimately created mankind, a thinking, communicating, living, personal and sometimes even loving creature.  I think it is pretty rational to think that the one eternal thing is a person who thinks, loves and communicates.  

    Do you believe we all came from nothing caused by nothing, and have you thought calling it the big bang makes that view scientific? Why not call it a cold whoosh (oh wait some physicists do think a cold whoosh preceded the big bang).  

    As usual, for an atheist, you make great strides in smelling out rotten eggs (pointing out alleged difficulties in theism), but are impotent at producing good ones (providing a sound & reasonable philosophy of your own).

  2. "I don't understand the rationality behind believing the God was 'simply present.'" I believe that partially has to do with the fact that you are not God, but a finite creation. Even if there was a rational answer presented in front of you, there would be no way of understanding it because you are not infinite.

    It's almost like trying to find the origin of matter/energy which cannot be created or destroyed thus is eternal in nature. In order to accept a big bang you have to throw out those laws and the theory collapses on itself.

  3. Just before the Big Bang, everything in the universe was confined to an amount of space that was extremely small, and maximum entropy. There was no room for information, design, intelligence, or......God.

    The God hypothesis can be set aside.

    There was no "creator" of the universe. And at the basic level, isn't that the definition of a God?

    Now "God" functions as a rationalization for any argument that theism cannot approach.

    "If evolution is untrue, what is the creationist alternative?"

    -God did it.

    "If the Big Bang never occurred, what did?"

    -God did it.

    "If God lives outside of time and space, how can He impact the universe?"

    -God can do anything.

    "If the universe had to have a creator, then who created God?"

    -God can do anything.

    The entire 2,000 + years of religious belief has led to the profound knowledge of.......semantic nonsense.

  4. The Mind (and Ego) of Man.

  5. First there was a big bang that created the universe.

    Slowly, over a long time, life evolved.

    Then Intelligent life evolved.

    Intelligent life invented the gods as an explanation for things in nature they didn't understand.

    Later, when they DID begin to understand nature, they reinvented god along more supernatural lines, no longer to explain nature, but for the rich and powerful to control the poor and uneducated.

  6. if  u r able to creat a mosquito wing, u ll get the concept that God s present

  7. If God was created then he is not God , that's one of the things that makes God ,God., God is always being present.

  8. No one knows.  I think the concept of god would have been born when the first mystic first felt deep love and oneness with the universe. It would have been a feeling this person could not have put into words.

  9. When my daughter was 5 she explained it to me. God came from God's parents. They actually named him God. It's on the birth certificate and everything.

  10. That's because he wasn't.  The hebrew/christian god was put together through the evolution of ideas (how ironic) stemming from Zoroastrian belief, Sumerian religion, Osiris worship, and the Mysteries of the Roman Mythras.

  11. From "OM"

  12. God himself does not live in a time domain like we do, therefore he's just always existed. If you really want to know then there are some really good books written by scholars that know the answer's or who have the gift of clarity on this kind of study.  

  13. Before the big bang came the big gas.  

  14. (0,0,0)

  15. The Bible is the only book that correctly defines God with respect 2 infinity. Infinity is the only location that 1 can claim 2 not need a cause 4 their existence & living outside time & His creation. Infinity is the only place 1 could have full confidence that they could fully declare the end from the beginning. Only 1 God can occupy infinity and that God is the Holy One of Israel (1 big catch is that Jesus Christ is the 1 whom is the varification of these facts).

    Problems with the Big-Bang cause:

    1 The "1rst" cause of everything. Even the double-talk of those whom concocted the so-called perpetual regression type theories omit or ignor the fact that there had 2 be a 1rst cause no matter how many universes or even dimensions 1 proposes exists or existed prior 2 our universe (like perpetual motion scams).

    2 Setting aside #1 4 now, even if we say somehow a singularity "blob" was present prior 2 the commencement of the universe we would run into problems. Singularity can only have 1 property (whatever "it" is) or it isn't in the state of singularity. This supposed singularity blob could only b created thru complete annihilation of all atomic structures of any matter that comes anywhere near it. Since this blob only has 1 property it can't react 2 itself or heat, pressure or any other particles in the vicinity (no matter how unstable any of its atomic properties might b).

    3 Singularity could never reach a "critical mass" theshhold b/c of the state of its existence. B/c the force of gravity would b many, many magnitudes greater than @ the center of a Super Nova, that would prevent it from acting or reacting in the same manner/conditions as would be present within a Super Nova.

    4 4 the singularity blob 2 expand or even explode there must b some kind of detonator present 2 cause the reaction needed 2 cause an expansion or explosion. The sheer immensity of the gravitational force necessary 2 cause singularity 2 form & retain that state (2 gather & contain enough singularity "stuff" 2 make our universe), would cause another problem. That is, It would also prevent anything that had the capability 2 serve as a detonator from lasting long enough 2 get anywhere near 2 the blob 2 cause any reaction (let alone the tremendous forces necessary 4 the kind of collosal reaction necessary 2 commence our universe).

    5 Even if some type of detonator could get near the blob without being torn apart & annihilated 1rst, 2 split & scatter the singularity blob would require it 2 penetrate 2 the center of the blob be4 causing a reaction even within the detonator/explosive (which is most likely impossible b/c of the emmence force of gravity present there). Even if such an emmence explosion could take place in the vicinity of the blob it would do little more than slightly move or vibrate the blob, which would more than likely remain fully intact (@ most it might rip off a very minute surface area which would immediately be pulled back 2 the blob along with all the explosion particles). Even if something could last long enough 2 cause an explosion anywhere near the blob, the reaction would be akin 2 lighting a regular match & submersing it in a glass of water.

    6 The next problem we would face is that the necessary sheer force of the center of gravity has 2 be so great that light cant escape from its grasp. This means that even if the blob somehow expanded I doubt very much it could get beyond the threshhold where it could reach the necessary escape velocity & distance needed 2 outlast the force of gravity & remain at that expansion level long enough 2 allow the formation of atoms. B/c the highest level of the force of gravity would still be located at its center not at the outside surface the vector angle of force would b greater towards the original center. This vector force would cause any attempt 2 form atoms 2 be interrupted b/c it would exert such a tremendous force in 1 direction that it would pull the atom apart, back towards the center of gravity.

    7. Setting aside the above problems - even if the proposed cooling process reached a point where quarks & anti-quarks could supposedly form there would have 2 be zillions forming in some uniform distribution pattern at near the same instant over a huge area. @ the sub-atomic level the same conditions would have 2 exist thru out the entire area @ nearly the same instant or the atomic formation process would most likely fail. If only a few 2 a few thousand atoms formed they would most likely disintegrate in a very short period of time.

    8. Contrary 2 popular belief atoms have 2 be "forged" together which can only take place by the right forces acting from outside its atomic structure while controlling & overcoming the forces that must be present & properly coordinated 2 keep the atom structure intact (strong force vs weak force, etc.) while in the presence of the tremendous vector force toward the center of gravity acting against this formation process taking place. 4 enough atoms 2 have a chance of surviving, it would require formation of zillions of atoms 2 go through the same process at nearly the same instant (4 1 thing - 2 have a chance of producing anywhere near enough of an opposing force like gravity 2 cancel out at least most of the vector force coming from the original center of gravity).

    The chances are so great against even 1 atom forming without an incredibly Intelligent Being, possessing a much greater area than the universe & having possession & control over many more times the energy needed 2 create a universe, creating it - you would have a better chance of having a million monkeys creating the US Constitution by randomly pressing keys on a million typewriters, which we know would be impossible (even if they did they wouldnt know what it was or what 2 do with it).

    Whoever seeks Jesus Christ with all his heart & soul will find Him (u shall know the truth & it will set u free). But u can lead a horse 2 water but u cant make them drink. Why should God want u 2 live with Him forever if u dont want 2 know Him (reason 4 free will)? The truth of God remains forever while things of a man dies with him, including his religions & gods made in his image. Theres everlasting hope only in Jesus Christ.


  16. It is beyond human understanding, but God has always been and will always be.  It's part of his omnipresent, holy majesty.  Don't hurt your brain trying to understand and rationalize it - just accept it and worship Him.

  17. Does the ant know how humans came into being?

  18. Silly putty, the land of delusional make believe.  

  19. I have no doubt that this is over your head.  But whether you believe in a purely God creation or a big bang, you have to believe either god or the matter and energy that created the universe as we know it were always there.

  20. Is it rational to think he came from nothing? Neither idea is easy for a human to contemplate.
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