
What is Gonzo Science?

by Guest60874  |  earlier

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After raving about the new(ish) documentary on Hunter S. Thompson, one of my colleagues suggested we invent Gonzo Physics. My immediate reaction was that it already exists in all the wacky ideas about Polar shifts, Galactic alignments, Rogue Planets and the like.

I did an internet search and got confused. Obviously not everyone sees the idea of Gonzo the same way I do.

So what I want to know from you is...

If Gonzo Journalism is blurring fact and fiction in reporting, what would constitute Gonzo Science?




  1. Gonzo journalism:

    a) Focused on the journalist-as-story (start of the "celeb" culture);

    b) Didn't let facts, truth or objectivity stand in the way of a good story and;

    c) Had an edge to it - danger, excitement, slightly taboo, shocking...

    So, Gonzo science needs the same things. Global Warming has a lot of Gonzo science, especially from the sceptics side - not sure that astronomy does. For example:

    a) Personalities - gotta have names here! Big names like Gore & Hansen

    b) Sceptics provide support for their arguments just 32% of the time and only cite credible, scientific 7.5% of the time

    If challenged (asked to cite sources of info, given data that refutes their statements, etc), they respond - credible or not - less than 2% of the time

    c) Both sides of the GW issue are guilty here - "catastrophic", "collapse", "mass extinction" on the one side and "destroying America", "global conspiracies", "taking over the world" on the other

    T'his is the best current example of Gonzo Science that popped into my head!

  2. I have read some of their web site.  Did you see the Gonzo Manifesto?

    That explains their philosophy pretty well, I think.  As for the relationship to Gonzo journalism, it appears these guys are reflecting the spirit more than the method.  

    I'm sorry.  I don't think you qualify as a Gonzo scientist.  You are too legitimate.  I, on the other hand....

  3. I think it's another word for junk science or bad science. Those are examples of facts that are widely believed to true but haven't been proved or are only partially true.
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