
What is Green House effect , what cause it and how to prevent?

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green house effect?

what is it

why is it call green house effect?




  1. green house effect resulting global warming

    the burning of carbon fuel causes a blanket surrounding the earth uppers atmosphere that track the heat from going into outer space

    try to imagined it as in a desert when at night the heat from the ground are released into the air at a rapid rate that cool the desert due to lack of cloud cover

    the carbon burning is that cover that trap the heat release of our earth

  2. You would not want to eliminate it since without the green house effect, life as we know it would not be possible on this planet.

    Just to clarify the whole green house effect thing:

    Most of the energy from the sun arrives on the earth as electromagnetic radiation in the visible spectrum (i.e. light).  This passes through the atmosphere with very little loss since the atmosphere is essentially transparent to visible light.  When this light hits the surface, some is absorbed and some is reflected.  The absorbed light heats the surface and this heat is re-radiated as heat - electromagnetic radiation in the infared spectrum.

    Certain gases in the atmosphere, for example carbon dioxide and water vapor, are not transparent to infared radiation (though they are to visible light).  These gases adsorb the infared radiation and heat up.  This heat is then re-radiated some upwardly toward space and some back toward the ground.  The net result is that the atmosphere warms up.

    It's called the green house effect because the process is the same as what takes place in a green house, where the glass is transparent to visible light, but not to infared radiation.

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