
What is Gym Changing Room Etiquette

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I've just enrolled in a gym centre/ swimming pool. Most people tend to walk around the Changing Room Naked is this standard. What is the etiquette in a male only sauna or Steam Room?




  1. I never rush to get dressed in the locker room. I haven't had an issue with it since I was a freshman on the HS swim team. We had to see each other naked 2-3 times a day sometimes. I guess when you get used to it it doesn't bother you anymore. I go to the spa where my sister works sometimes, the women in the locker room walk around naked all the time. She tells me she'd heard some of the guys are just as bad in the steam room.

  2. It isn't bad it's actually normal

  3. I guess it really depends on your gym and the type of people who use it.  I go to a gym that is frequented mostly by 20- and 30-somethings and nudity is common in the women's locker room.  We have "gang style" showers and very few places to hang towels where they won't get wet, so most women just strip at their lockers, shower, and walk back naked to dry off.  I'm a nudist myself, so it doesn't bother me in the least.  I've seen many other women standing around, completly nude, sometimes dripping wet having a converstation with someone they know.  Since I'm pretty sure I'm not going to a nudist-only gym, I'm guessing that this type of behavior is fairly commonplace.

    I've asked guy friends if it is any different in men's locker rooms and I get the feeling that it really isn't.  If anything the men are more likely to act that way simply becasue they are generally more gregarious then women are.

    As for saunas, I can't speak for the men's side of things, but in my experience most women wear a towel in the sauna at my gym, even the ones who often seem to be in no rush to dress after a workout.  When I use the sauna I usually keep covered out of respect for others who may come in, but if I go in and see someone else going nude I'll usually do the same.  Whatever you do though, please be sure to sit on a towel.

  4. i go to the gym too, and i HATE how the women behave in the locker rooms.  they stand there blow drying their hair while they are completely naked!  i don't care if it is a locker room, i do not find that acceptable.  i've heard from some guys that the men don't run around naked and are a lot cleaner... heh.  i've heard that the men actually wear clothes into the jacuzzi, unlike the women.  

  5. There's no universal standard, but where I live, men generally don't worry about covering up in the locker room.  In saunas and steam rooms, I use a towel for the sake of hygiene and safety.

  6. Being naked in the locker room is perfectly acceptable.  In the sauna or steam room, cover up with a towel.  Sanitation here is key, as you don't know who or what sat in that place before you did.

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