
What is HD radio and how does it work?

by  |  earlier

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I would like to know how it works with radio stations as well as in my car. Is it a separate system that I purchase? How would it fit in my car? Also, does it just pick up stations that are further away or does it only work with stations that are HD-enabled (if that exists)?




  1. Just to add a couple of bits to what's already been said,

    HD Radio stands for "Hybrid Digital", not "High Definition" as some would have you believe.  FM signals receive an analog signal, while services like XM and Sirius receive digital signals.

    The signal is still terrestrial, not satellite.  So just like FM, the service is only as good as the channels that are programmed in your area.  There are often more choices than traditional AM/FM radio, but not nearly as many as satellite radio offers.  Also, I believe HD still has commercials.

    HD does require a different radio (they are quite expensive too for what you get - I've only seen one at Best Buy and it was about $150).  There is no subscription fee though.

    I've had Sirius, and now have XM satellite radio.  I would definitely recommend satellite radio.  It is well worth the $0.43 per day!

  2. Like Artie, I am also a fan of satellite and disappointed that terrestrial radio messed up a great opportunity with HD by making it hard to use (not intuitive) and expensive to adopt.

    You must buy a new radio. You will get different programming on side channels from some of your existing stations. It does not necessarily add any distance to your reception.

    It's digital. That, for the moment, is really all that can be said about it. I'd wait and see if it becomes viable.

    -a guy named duh

  3. it's a scam, don't waste your money

    buy a satellite radio, they are great.

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