
What is HIIT?

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I know that HIIT is High Intensity Interval Training, but does it work with running? If i do some good paced jogging for 100 meters, and then do a full on sprint for 20 meters, is it considered HIIT? (It would be a repetitive cycle during 3 miles)




  1. Yeah that would be HIIT.  I jog for 2 min and then sprint all out for 1 min.  It helps with increasing your VO max and breaking through plateaus.  It's similar to a fartlek I think.  It's also great for fat burning.

  2. yes it works great with running. just like you're thinking with intervals, but i think 20 m isn't enough do like 50-100 with a 100-200 jog, and then repeat. or like the other person mentioned do it by time 1min then 2 mins.

  3. Walk jog easy pace for 4 minutes then sprint as fast as you can for ten seconds
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