
What is Harry Potter was Muslim?

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Would he wear his robe above his ankles?

Would he grow a beard like Dumbledore's?

Would he say Bismillah everytime he got on his broomstick to play Quidditch?




  1. haha imagine that...

  2. ha ha ha....its funny 2 think like tat...

  3. Hahahaha...Would he have a gf :D?

  4. no



  5. lol then he wouldn't be so famous, cuz the british would never let him work in their movie... O.o

  6. lool

    what if edward cullen was muslim? xD rofl. there would be no book. hahah =D

  7. Hahahaha ok, yes, that's pretty funny. I knwo some ppl might be ofended, but I think that we have to have a sense of humour sometimes. After all, our beloved Prophet (PBUH) loved to laugh, why shouldn't we?  

  8. lol..ha ha..

    funny Q ...  

  9. that was a good way of making fun of muslim's abnd if u think it was a joke then it was not funny at all

    and secondly it is not assential to have a beard or to vear something above ankles and about Bismillah you only say it when u are starting to eat

    and harry potter is fantasy in Islam thir is no magic school or magic doen not exist

  10. LOOOOOOOL...............I love the beard part!!!! :)

  11. lol that's be Cara-zeyyyyy

  12. Well technically if he does all these things he will get out of the character and he wouldn't be considered 'Harry Potter' anymore. Anyways I hate his character so I don't want to imagine him a Muslim!


  13. What if..?

    Well, only he can control how he'd like to portray himself as a Muslim. So, one can never tell how "Daniel Radcliffe" would act or be if he reverted to Islam.

  14. Harry Potter books and movie talks about magic,Magic is haram.

    HAHA But that would be funny(in a good way,If you know what i mean).

  15. Oh hai! u iz a siily rabbit indeed ;P


  16. your question doesnt make any sense, but it sounds funny

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