
What is Homo Noeticus?

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What is Homo Noeticus?




  1. Believe it or not, "Homo noeticus" does already exist, as a fact, although just as a mere "incipient species"; not as a living population of course. But even a single extant individual, "mutated" enough away from the H.sapiens type, may be regarded as a "noeticus" -if you want to call him so, or any other name - this being not the point. If (s)he sums up in him/herself all of the relevant mutations, it doesn't matter whether these are or not shared with 10-1000-1million of other more-or-less-similar individuals.
    A Thylacinus does stay a Thylacinus, anyway, no matter if he's the only (the last, but even the "first") specimen of his "species".

    A few among today living "humans", are as a fact much more afar, either as to overall morphology (expecially reduced splachnocranium, enhanced neurocranium and frontal bone -the main "trends" in Homination), AND as to their Thought Process and Mind orientation, than "Homo sapiens" is, on average, "far" from Homo erectus.
    This,bearing in mind, of course, the wide range of variability of the zoological taxon named today -rightly or wrongly-  "Homo sapiens", on an overall "politic" criterion and conventional taking.

    -"Human" specimens as these I do mean, are "different" from your typical Homo sapiens to a no lesser extent, than Pan paniscus are different from Pan troglodytes... although in the latter instance "biologists" are not so "shocked" to promptly recognize them as "different" each other, aren't they?

    -So, no more than mean "politics" would be to dismiss such (much more) conspicuous "deviations" when they affect human specimens, liquidating them as banal "variability/polymorphism" and the like. To force all of the "Human" Beings, present-day (and why not the "future" ones?), within the same tight frame of a single species, is just base "politics", rather than (objective) Science.
    Worse, and even more aberrant than any Communist forcing to homologation; a really worrying attitude, I would add.

    -What would appear really "incoherent", to a minimally reasoning Human -as I was since when I was just 5-6 y.o-  is taking the Evolution as a stopped process; a gross mistake, that a religious (yet very highly intelligent, open-minded and coherent Scientist) as Pierre Teilhard De Chardin, was able and brave enough to avoid. Very differently from his "colleagues", reared up to full meaty stage, in (achademic) battery-cages...
    A Genius is NOT a "serial product"; and De Chardin was a Genius, indeed.

    You're right, after all; no "schoolihg", no any sort of "degree" could ever rise up someone's IQ of a mere point (with all the reserves, such a gross and standardized criterion of evaluation would imply)-

    Homo (Nooanthropus) noeticus
    P.S. "Nooanthropus" is the sub-genus; and it has to be written "capitalized", as well ;-)

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