
What is Humanity main mission on this planet ?

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  1. To ensure our future.

  2. Each person has their own mission and path that it would be best if they follow. Collectively, our mission involves the things that seem impossible, that's why they remain an unreached goal. Some examples are to forgive everyone who has ever hurt you. Another, learn to be grateful for whatever you have. And the obvious, peace among different types of people.

  3. depend on who you ask..

    my mission is to do what I can while I can and enjoy my life as much as possible untill the end.

    We come into the world crying while all those around us are smiling.  When we leave this world its our mission to make sure those that are around us are crying while we are the ones smiling

  4. To reproduce and carry on the species.

  5. Not to act like such an Alien

  6. Our main mission on this planet is to realize our oneness and all that implies about justice, our thinking and behaviors, and to bring into existence the infrastructure that supports and nurtures our oneness.  

  7. To find the capacity and genrousity of heart to love through understanding the world in its myriad of forms and hues.

  8. Most people act as though it is to destroy and pillage for the brief time we have left.

  9. To create plastic, as well as other complex substances the earth can't synthesize itself.

  10. We need to continue to do as all other species do, reproduce.

    BUT, in the aspect that we are the most intelligent species known on earth, I feel that means we need to be responsible for everything here.

    The planet, the ecosystem, the animals, etc.

    Protect, Learn, Explore. While still progressing our knowledge of other universal things as well

  11. To be kind to each other and ourselves and the environment, help make the world a better place for the following generations and to make the younger ones to understand recycling and how it works, not to mention be more enviromentally friendly with scraps and mulch and a lot more water wise than we are now!

  12. to ensure the survival of the species.

  13. FACT: The sun will one day go supernova and the earth will be destroyed. This means our only mission in relation to this planet must be to get off it and go colonize the stars.  

  14. There is no mission that was defined by our evolution but to survive and procreate.  If you seek a man-made cognitive answer about protecting the environment or controlling disease then surviving and procreating may seem somewhat boring.  Actually anything less than surviving and procreating can be seen as a subset of living and continuing the species.  

  15. to accept,to evolve,and to love unconditionally.

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