
What is IBM up to nowadays? I haven't heard anything about IBM in ages.

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The acronym IBM used to be synonymous with computers. Not any more.




  1. oh, not much, they made the worlds first petaflop PC a few months back witha few thousand PS3 chips, not much really.

    Cos htey moved to supercomputer end they dont get too much in the public eye though the Roadrunner made it to quite a few news sites, technolgy related nad non technogly related.

    I remebr on a london crise near thier HQ the tour guide gave them the acronym of "It's Bieng Mended"

    They also hepled develop the Cell on the PS3, and have built a few high end PC components, but not much consuemr scale stuff.

  2. I believe they made the processor in the PS3. But other than that, I havent heard much either

  3. IBM still have their fingers in a great many pies, you might find it helpful to look at the services and solutions offered via their website:

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