
What is ISO? I hear many people say 'Burn ISO into a CD'! I do not understand what it is? Advise please.?

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Some say, Download ISO Image and burn in a CD! Is it an image such as jpg?

Why is it called ISO! Why don't just i say burn file.txt, program.exe, or burn system files into a CD.....

Any idea!




  1. An ISO Image Is a special file which contain other files for burning onto A CD. Use something such as Active@ ISO Burner ( and select the ISO file, pop a blank CD/DVD in the writer, press start and off you go! It will write all the files onto the CD without you worrying that you might have missed one.

  2. First, you need to understand something about what is actually on a CD.  There are individual files, of course, things like your 'file.txt' or 'program.exe'; but there is also other information there (sometimes called meta-data) which specifies the file names, sizes, locations, modification dates, and the like.  An ISO image is not an visual image, like a JPG, but what is called a binary image of the complete CD contents.  It's what you would get if you copied the CD bit-by-bit to a binary file, and contains all the files and their data along with all the meta-data.  It needs to be written back to a CD in the same bit-by-bit way.  If you were to just burn it as an ordinary file, then the meta-data on the resulting CD would just describe that file, not the files from the original source.

    Incidentally, it is called an ISO image because there is a standard CD format specified by the International Standards Organization (the ISO).

  3. .iso is a disc image file that is ready to be burned to CD or DVD. "Image" doesn't mean picture, per-se. It can be a DVD movie, it can be software to be installed on a computer, it can be a rip of a music CD. It's a collection of files, organized and ready to be burned to a disc right away, as opposed to being a bunch of random files that have to be prepared to be burned.

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