
What is ITALYS economic and related issue(s)?

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I need this for a summative! I need to examine the balance of primary/secondary/tertiary industries and analyse the trends and problems affecting them. Which specific industries are declining and which are growing and why. Examine the unemployment situation. (I just need it all in a paragraph.)




  1. Pratically... you are asking to me to make a complete research over Internet for you... well... how much will you pay me?! :)

    Eh eh eh...  :)

    Now, serious: the informations you are looking for are mainly over Internet, but you have to spend some hours (perhaps days) to collect and learn them properly... and not in one only paragraph.

    Moreover, you will have to distinguish the real italian economic situation from political lies... not easy at all.

    I just add some things from my direct experience:

    When Italy switched from Lira currency to Euro currency on January 1st, 2002, the goods prices raised drammatically, nearly twice of previous prices... but salaries raised only 10% and now they are still very low, compared to cost of life. In particular, the value of Houses raised a lot... now young italian boys and girls that want to marry have a lot of difficulty to buy an house, where to live together and grow a family.

    According to the lastest news on italian TV, now in Italy there are more than 7,000,000 italians that can be considered "poor" because they don't have money to regulary pay their bills, and experience difficulties to buy enough food for the entire month. In 2006, italian population was over 58,700,000 inhabitants, this means that  "poor" people are 12% population (just about only italian citizen... if you consider also the foreigners living in Italy, the percentage will probably raise).

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