
What is Infant Awareness Training?

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What is this training that social workers take in regards to adoption. Does anyone know? Are there any social workers on this site who have taken it, and can explain what this training is and the purpose of it?





    read this and weap

    ( its a PDF just a warning )

  2. OMG - I think I'm going to be sick.

    That article linked to by Gershom is extremely scary.

    Page 4 - part 'f' - talks about going back to the 'good old days' of separating pregnant women from their family and sending them off to resedential houses (read 'unmarried pregnant womens homes') - so they're more likely to surrender their children to adoption!!


    Baby Scoop Era # 2 - here we come.

    This program is NOT about giving all options.

    It is about taking babies away from unsuspecting pregnant women - because these social workers deem that it's better for the child.

    Talk about brain-washing.

    Talk about ignoring all research into infant brain development.

    And - surprise-surprise - it's all funded by the NCFA - or National Council for Adoption - one of the most powerful adoption lobby groups in the USA - more interested in acquiring more babies for agencies and adoptive parents - than about family preservation.

    In fact - I'm sure that they would think that 'Family Preservation' is a dirty word.

    It's sneaky, subtle and looks all above board.

    In my books - it's coercive.


  3. I'd never heard of this before so I just googled it. (I am not a social worker.) It appears the crux of the program is to make sure adoption is mentioned with equal weight to "other pregnancy options" during crisis pregnancy counseling.

    It specifically says that all "pregnancy options" should be presented objectively and without judgement... but it appears the point is that adoption should always be mentioned.

    Here's the link for the US Department of Health & Human Services web page explaining the program:

  4. This training is based on how to get a woman to relinquish her child.  Period.  There are no options offered to women.  They want a woman to relinquish.  They will do and say anything to get a woman to relinquish her child.  It especially doesn't matter if she is married or not.  I have seen this kind of c**p in action here in the area that I live in.

  5. Is it training in how to present adoption as the only option available.  How to effectively 'counsel' women toward adoption and 'counsel' them away from their other options.

    Obviously not because they have a long line of paying customers demanding an infant. Oh no.  It's because their benevolent, charitable and really care, right.  Sure.

    I'd like to hear more on this also

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