
What is Iran's stance on global warming and how has it affected Iran?

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How has it affected Iran? Does the Iranian government acknowledge global warming? etc...




  1. The Iranians may not be our friends and they maybe plotting to nuke Israel then the US, but they are not fools. Iran, does not believe in global warming, and rightly so, because it does not exist.

  2. There isn't much political debate in the middle east, as there are few two party democracies, debate doesn't have the same role in the political process that it has in the west.  There is no alarmism or scepticism in the media, mainly just coverage of the steps the leaders are taking to improve environmental protection standards.

    No Middle Eastern country has accepted a kyoto quota despite being some of the largest energy consumers in the world.

  3. I do not understand why we must engage or blaming Iran and Arabs countries as oil producers if we do not know better their stance of this potential world disaster. Global warming is a result of the irresponsibility of developed countries, rather than how these countries manage their oil . Right now,  they are not directly responsible for this potential environmental catastrophe.

    However,  these Arabs countries  would have  some blame  if they were building nuclear plants, which are suspected, that there is mismanagement, regardless if they are making bombs or not.  These countries would have 100% blame, too,.whether through negligence there is a nuclear disaster.

    Right now, diplomacy is what is imposed before procreate any conflict with Iran or any Arab country having no sympathy with  West.

  4. They don't even acknowledge the Holocast, you think their oil producing asses care about Global Warming.

    Don't worry libs.  I am sure Barrack will convience Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to switch over to E85 when he goes over there to kiss his rear after being elected.

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