
What is Italy's national bird?

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What is Italy's national bird?




  1. The origin of the term "Italy" (It: Italia), from Latin Italia, is uncertain. According to one of the more common explanations, the term was borrowed through Greek, from Oscan Víteliú, meaning "land of young cattle" (cf. Lat vitulus "calf", Umb vitlo "calf") and named for the god of cattle, Mars. The bull was a symbol of the southern Italian tribes and is often depicted goring the Roman wolf as a defiant symbol of free Italy during the Samnite Wars.

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    Not sure if it has sum particular national bird..

    If this helps u, plzz tell!

  2. The only have the Italian wolf. It's unofficial though.

  3. Sorry but we dont have one


  4. The national flower of Italy is the daisy

    The national bird of Italy is the pigeon

    National flower of Italy is Poppy or White Lily

  5. i dont think they have a bird, I think its a wolf

  6. I don't believe they have one.

  7. i dont think it has one

  8. I'm italian and I don't know if there is a national bird but I can tell you tha t there are many Columbus

  9. Heya

    I dont think that italy has a national bird but the name "italy" may have come from the greek word meaning land of young cattle and the calf is associated with italy and is named after the god of catlle.

    sorry you asked about a bird and i am rambling on about a cow! lol!!!

    good luck,

    cya !!!

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