
What is Italy planning to do with the declining population?

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Right now the population of Italy is 58 million, and in 2050 it is estimated to be 41 million. Has the Italian government done anything to encourage women to have more children? As the population gets lower will the level of immigration raise or be lowered?




  1. Hi! I'm Italian... The Berlusconi governement has given aids to every newborn baby.. But now the Prodi government haven't considered this problem!

    Ciao! :-)

  2. Why worry about it?

    California is about the same size, ranked first in the USA and only have 33,871,648 population as of 2001.

  3. In the last years both the former Italian government (Berlusconi) and the current (Prodi) have seriously considered the problem and allocated a certain sum for any new baby. The fact is that nowadays the cost to grow up a child is ugly higher than the incentive any family will get for any new born.The biggest issue in our future is the welfare in general (medical assistance, common services, ect) and the pensions in particular. In fact with the increase of no-working people for retirement there will be less working peole paying contributions for the new pensions and unlesss there is an inversion in this tendence the system will collapse.At the time being we are already at a stage where an important part of contributes are paid by the immigrants and this is destined to become the most important part of the pensions resources. As to the level of immigration laws i Italy are changing almost daily and nobody can devine which will be really the future policy of the next years. At the time being every year our gouvernment is establishing the yearly quota of immigration that is based mainly on the request of workers from industry and other sectors.I don't believe that in a next future it will be also established in order to limit their number sothat it doesn't exceed the native and then,unless the trend is upturned, there will be one time that immigrants will go beyond the native Italians.

  4. doesnt matter.  It is good that the population is declining because there are already too many people in the world

  5. they plan on impregnating anyone between the ages of 10 and 30

  6. you're talking like this is a bad thing.

    and that's not true.

    in addition, a trend like this will not extend for 40 years.

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