
What is Joe Bidens history on illegal immigration ?

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What is Joe Bidens history on illegal immigration ?




  1. He is basically pro-amnesty for illegal aliens. Voted to continue federal funding of sanctuary cities. Voted to allow illegal aliens to draw upon Social Security. Voted yes to unskilled immigration, no to skilled.  

  2. He says, welcome to illegals and plans to take tax payer $$ to set up free condos and healthcare for them.

  3. Barack Obama Chooses Joe Biden For VP

    I'm sure it won't take long for the mass media to blow my article into oblivion, but we are one of the first ones to report that in the wee hours of the morning, the announcement of Barack Obama's Vice Presidential running mate has been confirmed as Senator Joe Biden on Obama's website, and by CNN via text message.

    If you recall, Joe Biden was an early candidate in the 2008 presidential election for the Democratic Party, but dropped out in January after the Iowa caucuses.

    Nancy Pelosi said back in March that there would be no Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama dream team for President and Vice President, either way you put it, calling it "impossible." She was right.

    Here are Joe's positions on some of the major political issues:

    He has said that his #1 issue is the energy crisis.

    He believes that Roe v. Wade should remain intact and the government should not get involved in the subject of abortion. He has voted in favor, however, of banning partial birth abortions.

    He supports federal funding for stem cell research.

    He supports civil unions but against federal legislation regarding g*y marriage.

    He believes less drug offenders should be caught up in America's prison system.

    He believes the federal government needs to take action on global warming, and supports a new treaty on climate change / emission reduction.

    He is pro-gun control and was give an "F" by the NRA for his voting record (including voting for reinstating a Federal Assault Weapons Ban).

    Biden supports a guest-worker visa program for immigrants, and also Social Security benefits for illegal immigrants. He does, however, want to build a wall along the US border.


    Politicians Against The USA, MA - Jul 23, 2008

    Four of you voting against English as America 's Official Language are or were Presidential Candidates: Senator Biden, Senator Clinton, Senator Dodd, ...


    I don't know how I feel about it.  I am not worn out, but I think this issue is moving to an ugly place and if Obama and Bidin do NOT support amnesty, nor long term processes for the guest workers, I think I will support that place.

    One thing you have to worry about is that the McCain faction would simply amnesty and say be gone.  I think that would have very ugly consequences and this issue is clearly one the American People want resolved without the media bull input.

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