
What is Justice for someone who shakes a baby/child to death?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Shaking them to death.

  2. Death by some sort of medieval torture.

  3. i hate you for posting that i cant stop crying.........there is never justice!

  4. Nothing will be justice unless it can some how bring back the poor childs life.

  5. days and days of cruel torture and then death

  6. There probably isn't any kind of justice that will do them right. Those people are sick.

  7. Thank you for sharing, awareness is the only way to decrease this from happening.  Personally that is why I stay home with my 3 children 100 percent of the time when they are little and they are never in anybody elses care after that except their dad, because you can't trust anybody.

    Since they are all men, I think they should tortuously have a procedure to become a eunich...  Mom's that have to leave their kids, I suggest leaving them with a woman.  Women are less likely to be sexual abusers, serial killers, and apparently baby shakers.

  8. DEATH!!!!!!!!

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