
What is Justice ?

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No right answer. I'm doing some assignment for my honors class I'll be taking in a few days and I'm stuck on this question. Please don't simply type an answer you got from a dictionary- put thought into it! Thank you all :)




  1. Include addressing this distinction: what is the difference between justice and fairness?  Seems to me that fairness involves an agreement by both parties, so complaints that the acts of a just and/or righteous power (the state, a parent, or God) aren't "fair" or that life isn't "fair" have no support. for example, in this case "Why me?" is answerable by "Why NOT you?"

    Justice, on the other hand, does not require agreement by one of the parties, but rather conformation to an abstract or even absolute standard of what is fitting, proportional, or deserved. If such standards are met, then the justification for power is one-sided. A convicted criminal does not figure in a just sentence, no matter how fair or unfair. "The acts of the Lord are just and righteous altogether."

    For further illumination, throw yourself on the mercy of your librarian and find the ethics of Aristotle, John Stuart Mill, and Thomas Locke.

    That oughta hold you for a while.

  2. Some questions for thought:

    Is justice a moral conscious or following the law or considered by the majority or something else?

    Who decides what is justice or injustice?

    Do the majority decide what is right or wrong?  Or do we as individuals decide?  Did the n**i really think they were doing justice?

    Should I let the police find the murderer of my brother or should I take it into my own hands and served my own justice since I know that the murderer have bought/bribed the police?  Is it still justice I kill the murderer or should there be a fair trial.

    Is it taught? through books or knowledge/education?  or is it innate?

    Was slavery to Africans considered to be injustice in the 16th century (to the Whites? how about to the Africans or the rest of the world?  Did the whites think the Africans know what is justice?)  How about today?

    What changed that made slavery against Africans outlawed in the United States that was different from the 16th century?  Was it because of education?  or is there something innate in us that we just KNOW that  something does not make sense, or it is immoral, injustice and down right wrong.

    Finally, is there even justice in the world today?  What is justice? Is like what Morpheus asked in the Matrix, "what is real"? (try finding the matrix script online to read Morpheus' comments...the Matrix has often been compared to the injustice and racism/other "-isms" of the real world).

  3. something that is not democrat.  

  4. Something that is more right for the general community?
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