
What is Justine Trudeau doing?

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  1. do you mean Justin Trudeau ?

    the son of the prime minister of Canada ?

    Justin Trudeau has been a campaigner for winter safety since the death of his brother Michel in an avalanche on a ski trip in 1998. In 2003, he served as a panelist on CBC Radio's Canada Reads series, where he championed The Colony of Unrequited Dreams by Wayne Johnston.

    On May 28, 2005, Justin Trudeau married Sophie Grégoire, a former model and Quebec television host.

    He is one of several children of former Prime Ministers who have become Canadian media personalities. The others are Ben Mulroney, Catherine Clark, and Justin's younger brother, Alexandre. Though Pierre Trudeau and Brian Mulroney were longtime foes, this rivalry did not carry over to their sons, as Ben Mulroney was a guest at Justin Trudeau's wedding.

    On 17 September 2006, Justin hosted a rally in Ramsden Park in Toronto, calling for Canadian participation in the Darfur crisis.

    In January 2007, rumours were getting persistent about Justin Trudeau entering politics, especially after being highly active in the 2006 Liberal convention.[4] It was speculated that Trudeau was going to run in the Montreal Outremont riding which is a traditional Liberal stronghold, after former Minister of Transport Jean Lapierre resigned from the House of Commons to become a political commentator.[5] However, on February 22, 2007, he announced that he would seek the nomination in the Montreal riding of Papineau.

  2. Traveling and stumping for the Liberal Party of Canada.

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