
What is Kobe Bryant's IQ?

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I mean, it isn't like he went to College or anything... probably pretty low




  1. It's definately higher than urs. He achieved a lot in the basketball world, unlike u.

  2. Not as low as the ppl that named you jandy.

  3. I think it is pretty high.  He got good grades in high school, speaks multiple languages and went to UCLA in the off season.  He is not a dumb jock.

  4. Nobody knows!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Must be very high since he is the best basketball player in the world right now. Oh, and im sure its higher than yours. Seriously.

  6. 24, it's a step up from 8

  7. got a 1080/1600 SAT, which is probably 105-110

  8. IQ has nothing to do with College.  

    Do you really think athletes that go to college take real courses in College? yea...right.

    If you ever been to a real college, not community, all the athletes take the most dumbest courses, like bee keeping. I had a friend that played for UC Riverside and he took classes like bee keeping, social studies, typing, and a bunch of remedial classes.

    Most, not all, athletes in college take the easiest courses to just get credits because they need the time to train and travel during the season.  

  9. are you kidding me kobe is one of the smartest basketball players, you can tell just by the way he goes about himself in interviews and on the court. just because you didn't go to college and are stupid doesn't mean everyone else is. by the way he'd be stupid not to go to the nba and automatically be filthy rich.

  10. He has a high iq.  He actually went back to college during his first 4 years in the league and graduated with BA in business from Stanford.

    Thanks dude below me.

  11. Neither did KG!!!! Ha

  12. I think your IQ is low, coming out of college doesn't influence your IQ. He didn't go to college because he wanted to go straight to the NBA, i'm sure a lot of people will pass up college to get a chance to play in the NBA at an early stage.

    Besides who are you to judge whether his IQ is low or not, based on your stupid assumption that non-college goers have low IQ.  

  13. higher than you troll

  14. what is wrong wit u 2 days till bday

    Pardon my combover that is the funniest picture&name combo EVER


  15. IQ has nothing to do with grades.It's just that,the higher it is,the more logical you're.

  16. He's got one of  the highest basketball iq's in the game, and thats really all that matters right now. after all, he's rich beyond rich.

  17. Yahoo Sucks is right, there are alot of guys in the NBA who did not go to college, that does not make them any less smart then players who did go to college

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