
What is Life? Thoughts and comments on this sonnet are welcome...?

by  |  earlier

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What is life, if not a gem of dust compressed

In daedel hands, seeled, with hermetic power

Abloom an instant on a fenneled tower

A diadem of visons opalesced.

What is life, if not a stormy sea

On which, but for the hour, you're set to sail

And quest quixotically to grasp the grail

'Til tritons trumpet, calling home to thee.

What is life, if not the secret of a fateful gift

That once it's opened scourges you with thorn.

And yet, the hand that animates the glove

So cleverly designed to hold and lift

In triumph, tips a laurel-wreathed horn

And sounds the sorrowing shell to hapless love.




  1. Fantastic sonnet. I love the way you've skillfully chained your words to convey your message. Deep and rich as always, It left me pondering for 15 minutes (more than the time you spent on this!). Thank you again for sharing with us another great piece.

    yours sincerely,


    And by the way can you please answer my question?;...

    Thank you

  2. Neat very neat.  I'm not even going to call you out on the rhyme scheme; that's how good it is.  So, is it a sonnet?

  3. This is a  10 carat diamond of a sonnet!

    No quixotic quest, this, but a true gift.

  4. maby i'm not into what you're into but i tried that one twice and my mind is just not having it at 9 am

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