
What is MArxism?

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What is MArxism?




  1. Marxism is a social theory and political current.

    The social theory is based on the idea that the motor of social, political and economic change is social groups known as classes fighting for their interests. Classes are defined by how the relate to production in an economy: whether the produce or own and administer production.

    Marxists believed that when one class got the upper hand it shaped society in its image. It encourages laws, ideas, social expectations and morality which best suit its existance.(for example in modern societies, bussiness interests have introduced and enshrined the concept of free trade as and ideology and a law). However its power would be challenged by other class which its interests were antagosnistic to and which its image of society didnt suit. This class might temporarily advance its interests for a time but in the end the struggle would finally be for the supremacy and whomever emerged the victor would remould society in a way which suited them.

    Marxists argue that in modern society, the capitalists(who own and control industry, shops banks etc) are the ruling class, and create a society in the image of free competition between capitalists and free trade. The working class oppose them because competing capitalists require them to be flexible in how much the get payed and how much they work for that pay. Crucially marxists state that the working classes survive only to work and dont own any productive forces they are labourers. Hence when the struggle between workers and copitalists was fought out and the workers were victorious they would mould a society without owners and that there would only be producers. These producers would have no need to exploit and eventually through a dissappearence of all previous concepts and class images society would be transformed into communism where people would pool labour and consume goods according to there needs and not artificial values generated by specific class interests.

    Marxism is also the political tendency which many different groups belong to, all claiming to be marxists and wish to implement workers revolutions

  2. Marxism is the political philosophy and practice derived from the work of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Any political practice or theory that is based on an interpretation of the works of Marx and Engels may be called Marxism.

    The constitution of the Communist Parties and Communist states was grounded in Marxism; the basic difference between Communism in general and Marxism, is that Communism aims at the realization of a "Communist society", while Marxism is a theoretical-practical framework based on the analysis of "the conflicts between the powerful and the subjugated".

  3. its a form of socialism that beleives in violent uprisings from the lower classes, that when they do revolt they will replace the middle class, which is a problem becuase in most societies the middle classes are often the largest. it was created by karl marx with the aid of freidrich engels, they both also wrote the communist manifesto

  4. I just learned that yesterday in my history class but I can't remeber, go to and see if you can find it out.

  5. dance??
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