
What is Marshmellow made of?

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Are there any subsitutes for vegetarians?




  1. I think they are made from Gelatin, which is apparently ground up pig hooves... that's what I was told before.  Not sure if its true or not... and definately a lot of sugar.

  2. The Marshmallow is a confection that, in its modern form, typically consists of sugar or corn syrup, water, gelatin that has been pre-softened in hot water, dextrose, and flavorings, whipped to a spongy consistency. The traditional recipe used an extract from the mucilaginous root of the marshmallow plant, a shrubby herb (Althaea officinalis), instead of gelatin; the mucilage was used to soothe sore throats.

  3. yeah there is a brand called "sweet sara" or something..i have not tried it, i have read about it on a question on here a while back :-)

    oh also... marshmallow fluff in the jar is gelatin free (pretty sure its vegan)

  4. Traditional marshmallows were made with the sap from the roots of the marshmallow plant, which acted as a thickener for the sugar and other flavorings in the confection. But modern marshmallows substitute gelatin for the marshmallow sap.

    Gelatin is made by rendering the hooves of ungulates. It is most familiar in Jello and similar products, but it appears widely, including in marshmallows.

  5. Real Marshmallow is made out of a plant called mallow which were found in, surprise, marshes and swamps! The sap was used to make marshmallows when they first a candy item.

    Presently they are made out of glucose ie sugar and various gums Nothing that a vegan can't eat.

  6. You could replace the gelatin for agar agar to make it vegetarian. According to Wikipedia it typically consists of sugar/corn syrup, water, gelatin that has been pre-softened in hot water, dextrose, and flavorings, whipped to a spongy consistency. The traditional recipe used an extract from the mucilaginous root of the marshmallow plant, a shrubby herb (Althaea officinalis), instead of gelatin; the mucilage was used to soothe sore throats. I am sending you a vegan recipe, follow the link. Nonetheless they are not a very healthy recipe...I would recommend you to try the "Lara Bars" when craving something sugary!

  7. It's made out of dreams and pixie dust

  8. Homemade Marshmallows

    Makes about 40

    Marshmallows were originally made from the root of the marshmallow plant; today, corn syrup and sugar are the main ingredients. Homemade ones can be cut into any shape you like.

    2 1/2 tablespoons unflavored gelatin

    1 1/2 cups granulated sugar

    1 cup light corn syrup

    1/4 teaspoon salt

    2 tablespoons pure vanilla extract

    Confectioners' sugar, for dusting

    1. Combine gelatin and 1/2 cup cold water in the bowl of an electric mixer with whisk attachment. Let stand 30 minutes.

    2. Combine granulated sugar, corn syrup, salt, and 1/2 cup water in a small heavy saucepan; place over low heat, and stir until sugar has dissolved. Wash down sides of pan with a wet pastry brush to dissolve sugar crystals.

    3. Clip on a candy thermometer; raise heat to high. Cook syrup without stirring until it reaches 244° (firm-ball stage). Immediately remove pan from heat.

    4. With mixer on low speed, slowly and carefully pour syrup into the softened gelatin. Increase speed to high; beat until mixture is very thick and white and has almost tripled in volume, about 15 minutes. Add vanilla; beat to incorporate.

    5. Generously dust an 8-by-12-inch glass baking pan with confectioners sugar. Pour marshmallow mixture into pan. Dust top with confectioners sugar; wet your hands, and pat it to smooth. Dust with confectioners sugar; let stand overnight, uncovered, to dry out. Turn out onto a board; cut marshmallows with a dry hot knife into 1 1/2-inch squares, and dust with more confectioners' sugar.

    (Taken from


  9. Well it doesnt have anything that would go against a vegetarian.....but a VEGAN perhaps yes

    i am afraid i have never heard of a substitution

    unless there is soy marshmellows..;...

  10. its made of Sugar, Glucose, Syrup, Water, Cornflour, Gelatine, Flavours & colouring

  11. ***I make them all the time ~

    sugar, corn syrup, plain gelatin, salt, water and vanilla.  Yummo!

  12. somebody told me marshmellows are made out of animal fat.

    and why dont you go on and see what vegetarian substitutes you can find for various food.

  13. SUGAR

  14. yes look on the pangea website you can order them :)

  15. Sugar.

  16. a vegetarian can eat it

    but a vegan cant becouse it has butter in it

    if you make them

    now idk about the store bought one but im sure a vegatarian can eat it


  18. I can't believe how many people are saying vegetarians can eat marshmallows even though there's gelatin in it.  Gelatin is made from the jelly of the bones of animals...Yum indeed.  That means vegans and vegetarians cannot have them.  There are vegan versions that are not found in regular stores.

  19. sugar, gelatin, corn syrup?

    and yes, there are vegetarian marshmallows made without the gelatin.

  20. i am really not sure what its made of, i know theres gelatin in it but im not sure what else. and i dont think theres any eggs in there so i think it would be ok for a vegetarian

  21. it contains gelatin, which is made of some animal biproduct, (ground up bones or something) so it isn't vegan

  22. Sugar, sugar, and a pinch of sugar.

  23. Marshmelllows have a huge amount of gelatin which is skin and bones off of a pig and some have only animal fat! Sooo there are close to none that are suitible for veg. Umm you can go to and they sell them but only over the computer they are delish. I bought like 6 packs soo far! You can go to a health or organic grocery store and ask a person who workd their! btw i am a vegan! Goood - Luck!

  24. Sugar, gelatin, and corn syrup.

    Lol I love vegetarian marshmallows they are the BEST!

  25. It's just made from sugar and unflavored gelatin.

  26. Gelatin! Not vegetarian. D:

    Fluff, for some reason, is vegan. I'm not a big fan of the stuff, but some people like it on sammiches.

  27. Look for a certified organic marshmallow or marshmallow creme.  If you cannot find it in your local health food store, search online.  It's a relatively new concoction (within the last year) so it may not be up for retail sale as of yet.

    Sugar and Gelatin are the two major ingredients in marshmallows.  These are big NO NOs for vegans and vegetarians.  The sugar used in marshmallows goes through a refining process that uses animal by- product (bone char filter).  Gelatin is animal by product itself, ground up hooves from pigs or horses, boiled bones, skins and tendons.  The vegetarian/ vegan alternative to gelatin is agar agar.

  28. they start off with some pig pellets! most people dont know that, but its definitely true! and so are... gummy bears and jello!

  29. * 1/4 cup cornstarch

        * 1/3 cup confectioners sugar

        * 1 envelope unflavored gelatin

        * 1/3 cup water

        * 2/3 cup granulated sugar

        * 1/2 cup light corn syrup

        * Pinch of salt

        * 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

    those are the ingredients

  30. 50% of a marshmellow is air(:

  31. well, theres no marshmellows in an animal so if ur a vegitarian its safe to eat ^_^

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