
What is Mats Sundin going to do?

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He is one of the last big names on the free agent list. Hes clearly taking his sweet time because it has just been released he will not be giving his answer until August. What do you think he is gonna do, career wise?




  1. Either retire or sign with a team (that's not the Leafs). He always takes his time making these decisions so I'm not surprised.

    hockey fan: He does have that option, but given his recent history with "tampering" and how the Leafs are gearing the front office for the hiring of Burke, I don't think he wants to be a part of that borderline tampering of getting the GM.

  2. He said he isn't sure yet but he's taking his time and will give everyone an answer around August.

  3. he is thinking about a 5 year 15 million dollar contract. with the montreal canaidians

  4. He's a funny bird...clearly he wants to take his time and do things on his schedule.

    Vancouver offered him a 2-year deal at $10m per season, which is crazy money.

    I've long since stopped trying to figure out what he will do or how he goes about deciding.

  5. 288 i think he still have a option to stay with the leafs but people suggest that it would be best for him to leave as the team needs to rebuild and sign other player to developed the team around another player. in the recent signings a they got a good forward to build team around they signed niklas Hagman i think it can be a good fit for the leafs.

  6. Depends if he wants to go to win a Cup.  If he was thinking Detroit, then he is kicking himself for being to slow on the draw.  No way he wins a Cup in Vancouver in 2 years, but how can you pass $10 million a year.

    I take that back, with Luongo playing awesome and Naslund and the Sedins still in the mix, a Cup is feasible.

    That would be interesting  Detroit is Sweden A, Vancouver is Sweden B.

  7. now that detroit got hossa, he'll sign with the red wings as well, for the league minimum, because that's his best chance to win a cup.

  8. He's going to take his time and relax some more on the golf course.

  9. -I think that's silly he's going to wait until August.

    -i think he wants to go to Montreal, but is afraid the city of Toronto might go bananas, & riot if he were to sign with the Habs.

    -Detroit, wow, if he went there, is there any doubt the Wings win the Cup again, even when the season hasn't started yet?

  10. Take his time.... MONTREAL, Toronto or Retire! I cant see him taking the VAN contract on a team rebuilding. Just my take.

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