
What is McCain's plan to fix America's Infrastructure, so more bridges don't fall down?

by Guest56025  |  earlier

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What is McCain's plan to fix America's Infrastructure, so more bridges don't fall down?




  1. That is a state and local issue. Federal funds don't go to such things unless there is an emergency. Speak to your local elected officials about bridges in your area.

  2. Say lots of Hail Mary's and Our Father's so they don't fall down.

  3. He was a POW he doesn't have to answer to you.  

  4. Good question, ask him.

  5. To keep spending 10 billion a month on Iraq.

  6. none

  7. nothing

  8. Just say "no" to structural failure.

  9. name 3 things Obama has done that qualifies him to be President.

  10. Yes, McCain has a plan. His plan is to blow up and bomb bridges overseas and then have the American tax payers rebuild them while out bridges fall apart.

  11. what is obama's..i havent heard either talk about it..but i do know some of the blame lays on the state...they do have a say where money is spent in their state on roads...

  12. Rent welding rigs, buy kegs of beer and throw all night welding parties down at the river or creek.

  13. She will start from the inside ( of her pockets) and work her way out.

  14. plans he should have plans?  He doesn't have time for things like that since he is to busy bashing his opponent.  

    In all honesty though, I don't think he does have a plan for infrastructure, I mean he wants to cut taxes and fight wars there isn't much money left for anything else with a plan like that.

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