
What is McCain's plan to reduce riseing Health Care Costs and to make Insurance affordable?

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What is McCain's plan to reduce riseing Health Care Costs and to make Insurance affordable?




  1. He's going to increase corporate welfare and decrease human welfare.

  2. He doesn't have a plan.  All he can do now is ask, "Hey, how about that Sarah Palin, great speech huh?    

  3. the same as obama's federal control over it , they only differ in the amount of federal control and who is in charge of it.

    to make it affordable we need to get government completely out of it

    why did we have more people covered in the early and mid 60's than we do now at a more affordable rate , or a less percentage of the money taken home per person, than we have since the inception of the great society

    vote libertarian

  4. Good question.   Too bad there is no answer.

    There is a reason they never discuss his health insurance plan.  

  5. He has stated that he wants to give every family a 5,000 dollar tax credit for health insurance.

  6. I do NOT KNOW !! ... Affordable to who ?? ... The Government Hand-Out "Feeders" ??

    What ever happened to taking "personal responsibility" ?

    It is NOT the responsiblity of the hardworking taxpayers to finance a Socialist / Communist / Liberal / Marxist Government Hand-Out Program that the government is "supposed" to "manage" - - destined for failure like Social Security and Medicare / Medicaid.


    I have NOTHING against helping the elderly, the disabled,  and the young.

    I DO have a problem SUPPORTING the able-bodied people that do NOT want to get off of their butts and EARN an honest living - instead of "FEEDING" off of hard working citizens.

    AND they teach their children, and their children's children HOW to FEED off of government programs !!

    Just realize ... that those of us that ACTUALLY have to work for a living, are getting tired of PAYING for the Democrats idea of HELPING.

    Shouldn't MANDATORY Urine Tests be REQUIRED of people that are requesting "government handouts"?

    IF you are on LEGAL prescription drugs, then you will not have a problem proving it !!


    IF YOU had spent years getting a PhD and then the government TELLS you that your ability to make a really good living is being taken away, WHAT would YOU do ?? Probably the same thing that a lot of medical professional would do ... change careers !!! With that kind of education, WHO wants to be told that your income is limited and you have to SEE a hundred people a day and you cannot provide quality care because you are rushed???

    Would Universal HealthCare end up being like our Social Security system - THAT ELECTED POLITICIANS ARE NOT A PART OF, BECAUSE THEY HAVE AND SUPPORT their own Retirement system - -

    - the Congressional Retirement and Staffing Plan?

    SO, WHY would they WANT to FIX a government program that THEY are NOT REQUIRED to participate in?


  7. God only knows but those issues should not be the concern of the government. Do you honestly think Washington is so effective and skilled that it should be in charge of your health?

    Unfortunately, McCain will doubtless try and do something about it in his covert-liberal way and s***w things up for millions.

  8. what is Obama's?

    and name 3 things Obama has done that qualifies him to be President.

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