
What is McCain's stance on illegal immigration? how about "Free trade and outsourcing"?

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What is McCain's stance on illegal immigration? how about "Free trade and outsourcing"?




  1. He wants to close the borders, so that'll automatically bring outsourcing because the work will not get done when the immigrants leave or get deported.....CHAD is not going to do the work. They are keeping it on the LOW LOW right now because they don't want to lose any votes.

  2. How a 20,000 page stack of regulations such as NAFTA can be called 'free trade' utterly baffles me.  However, it apparently doesn't take much to confuse McCain, and he has bought into the notion that if it says 'trade' in the title, it is a universal good.

    Unfortunately, the only difference with Obama is that he wants to tape on the weak environmental and labor bows and ribbons from the Peru Trade agreement (the ones the foreign country 'self certifies' along with their inspection process).

    I saw a campaign shirt with a red white and blue logo that says "We're Screwed -- 2008".

    I'm thinking of getting one.

    Meanwhile, I'm either writing in Ron Paul or voting third party.

  3. McCain will allow our borders to remain unsecured and will grant amnesty to as many of the 25 to 30 million illegal aliens among us as possible!

    McCain is a "free trader", is pleased with NAFTA, and has no problem with outsourcing American jobs abroad!

    He's a conservative's nightmare!

  4. I just read his web site.  Sounds to me like he wants to secure the borders but it doesn't sound like he'll do much for the millions that are already here.  Same old c**p, different day.  He's already said that there's nothing wrong with NAFTA while our jobs here in America are outsourced by the thousands every day.  HMMM, now I know where he gets the nickname McSame.

  5. He wants tougher borders, but he also wants to help those deserving to be here. He was one of the people that brought up and supported the D.R.E.A.M. act (which got shot down)

  6. He has not told us yet, and well knows that is a critical element in his profile.

    I believe we will see him secure the border and then selectively remove criminal illegal aliens.  The problem there is anyone who has been in this country for longer than six months has probably used a fake document.  That is a felony offense, and the law says.. deport them.  And there are more issues with the illegal aliens and all of them indicated to many that they should be deported.  Further, because the illegal aliens were used to harm labor and Unions, I no longer feel we should be benevolent to those folks on a personal basis, but only on an organized, Federally sponsored, labor supply process.

    I am a conservative Republican and because McCain has not clearly told us he would enforce the immigration law to its fullest extent, I cannot support Mr. McCain.  I must support Mr. Obama because he HAS said he would enforce the law as the Constitution has instructed.


    McCain has not said much of anything about free trade and outsourcing.  Obama has suggested he would re-negotiate NAFTA which leads directly to free trade and outsourcing at this point.  Observers, however, have told us Obama would never do it.

    We may have draw double duds, but I want to wait and see what Obama has to say in the election process.  I might do a write in for Lou Dobbs before this election is done.

  7. You need to look at what he has done in Arizona- he is the first on the band wagon to put up walls and Arizona is top when it comes to securing its boarders.  Employers have to prove their employees are legal or they will pay significant fines and the illegals are deported.  As far as NAFTA goes- do you shop at Walmart?  Do you want to continue to pay .10 cents for a note book?  If we did not allow NAFTA through Mexico and those items are made solely over here you would not be able to afford much.  One must also look at the fact that outsourcing would not be an issue if Americans did not want to get paid huge money to do a simple job.  Yes, low paying jobs are a stepping stone to get experience and move up the ladder but too many Americans are too proud to take a $6.00 an hour job to get the experience with no education- they want top dollar.  So hence outsourcing.  There is far more involved in this than one can hash out in a day.  Unfortunately, without Mexico and China we would be stuck paying significantly for simple items in everyday use.  I'm all for getting rid of outsourcing but how can we make the products here any cheaper then Mexico and China?  And who will work for low wages here?  The problem lies with us not the President.  Finally, Congress and the Senate voted NAFTA in which is predominately Democrat it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who voted for it.

  8. Well, he and Kennedy tried to push the Amnesty bill through, so he must like them just fine.  Thank God the people spoke up & stopped that piece of c**p dead in its tracks.

  9. Currently he's talking about, not pushing, just talking about, securing the border, but his record shows that he's a major supporter of amnesty for illegals.  He was a co-sponsor of the Amnesty bill that was defeated in 2006, and voted in the positive for all three of the bills that were attempted since then.

    The only reason that he IS talking about securing the border is because he's running for President and since about 90% of Americans want a secure border......

    McCain is a supporter of NAFTA, no surprise there either.

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