
What is McCain going to have to do to win over the new generation of voters?

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As the older generation is starting to slow down, the younger generation is starting to look at the world with new eyes. Also, it seems to me that McCain is not as excited to president as Obama is. Maybe he believes that Americans will vote for him because of his experience alone and his "making America the feared nation" tatic. Also, McCain says he knows America, but I have never seen him go into the inner cities, talk about education, talk to all Americans from rich to poor, the factory working in detrorit, to the taxi driver in LA. McCain to me does not understand our American the 21st century America, where the scare tactic does not work any more. What do you think?




  1. McCain would have to embrace the Democratic platforms of

    Lift the poor

    Educate the kids

    Tax the rich fairly

    Let women decide

    Diplomacy before Bombing begins

    Every person has the right to quality health care

    All of which puts a damper in the G O P's real dogma of

    d**n everyone else----lets make MONEY

  2. Here is what may be missing in your analysis:  we all tend to see history from the perspective of our own histories.  In other words, if you are fifty years old, you see changes that occurred during your life and have a different perspective from a person who has never NOT had a cell phone.  But the truth is bigger than either the fifty year old or the fifteen year old.  Here is what needs to be understood by everyone:  the problems that face countries and the complexities of human behavior haven't been formed in the last ten years.  Countries like Iran that are developing nuclear weapons and threatening Israel and Europe are not thinking like the average twenty year old American or European college student.  They are thinking exactly like Hitler and Stalin thought.  America needs a president who understands what is happening without filtering it through a very naive filter that I think is commonplace in our society.  He or she also needs to be old enough to have become wise.  Wisdom is different from knowing how to text at the speed of light.  It is different from knowing how to play a video game.  Wisdom comes form experience and not from college.  Obama's failings are threefold:  (1) He does not understand how evil works in the world, (2) he is an intelligent man but not a wise man, and (3) he is committed to an ideology - socialism - that will not work in practice.  (You can attribute number 3 to number 2 above.)  Reality isn't a scare tactic; it is a real situation that requires a person who is wise enough to deal with a complex world.

  3. Nada.  His campaign gurus seem to feel like they can get by without the next generation.  After that, they'll hope things fix themselves by 2012.

  4. he has lost these elections

  5. Obama's promises are thin...I still haven't seen or heard how he is going to "shake up" or "fix" sounds good, but the reality is that he can't implement most of these on hope alone. Money, taxes and more taxes will be the name of the game...even if he does get the ball rolling.

  6. He's going to need to get an age-reversing, race-changing serum.

    Then, maybe, he'll get the new generation.

  7. I've not seen him go into any inner cities either, good observation.  However, I believe he did speak with the NAACP this year.  Guess ya gotta start somewhere.  

    I still really think he's out of least with every day people.

    Bob - if she's naive, you're in a state of oblivion.  Wake up, pal.

  8. I think you're naive.

  9. McCain simply needs to:

    *  Tell the truth about Obama bin Biden's communist plans for America

    * Continue to point out Obama's racist and hateful 'church' and 'spiritual mentor'

    * Highlight how OBB will roll over to the Axis of Evil (including Russia) and sell out our allies into oppression in a heartbeat


  10. The next Greatest Generation is serving in Iraq and Afganistan mostly conservative young men and woman.  Many young people understand what sacrifices McCain has made for his country.  Who do you want as a role model for your kids a Communit Organizer who did cocaine and belongs to a racist church or a legitimate American hero?

  11. McCain's over... Let's get his old a** outta here.

  12. There isn't anything McCain has to do.  Age and experience with real life naturally make people become more conservative.  And, no, I'm sorry, co-ed dorms and all night frat parties, all financed by Mummy and Daddy, don't count as "real life."

    Once people get a job, get married, and have kids, they naturally realize that they would like to keep more of their own money and take care of their own family and make their own decisions.  And if people do feel that they want to give more of their own money to the government, I'm pretty sure the IRS would take any size donation you want to send.  Just don't force everyone else to do the same, please.  I prefer to give my money to charities of my own choosing.

  13. The "younger generation" is niave. Just because there are more of them at the moment doesn't mean they're looking at the world with new eyes. It means that they haven't gotten into the workforce yet under a Democratic rule. Why do you think the country ALWAYS goes back to Republicans? Because they feel duped once they begin getting taxed to death and realize that they're having to feed 20 people that don't feel like working.

    McCain doesn't have to do anything. It may not help him this election, but 4 years of Obama's "tax to death" mentality would secure another 8-12 years of Republicans in the White House.

  14. The main thing is just separate himself from W.  A lot of people think they're joined at the hip.  He has to show America where he is different than Bush.

    I think you're dead on about him not going into the inner cities.  I think Obama scored points accusing McCain of 'not getting' the problems that face the middle class.

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