
What is McCain strategy by choosing a VP that's so crazy?

by Guest57604  |  earlier

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I just heard dat she doesnt want birth control pills or condems!!! She Crazy???




  1. The link isn't really an unbiased source

    Palin does support contraception but that's about it

  2. Word is he really wanted Lieberman, but faced with a possible fight on the convention floor caved into the extreme right and named one of them; but, a woman, just so he could still claim to be a "maverick."

    As woman and part of the feminist generation I would love to vote for a woman, but I cannot vote for someone who is on the wrong side of just about every issue that is important to women.

  3. Yes, is that not too much? having all those babies..that must be insane

    I don't know what  those Republicans can be thinking..

    we all know the Minorities don't do this as they are all very responsible and Democrats don't need not welfare state! ~P on welfare

  4. Just trying to get the right wing conservatives to vote for McCain, not a well thought out strategy for the country but a strategy to get McCain into office. She doesn't want her daughters to have rights over their own bodies and calls herself a feminist, who is she fooling?

    She does not represent any intelligent women that I know. She is a crazy choice, McCain is 72 with health problems and it is not unreasonable to suggest she may have to be the next president and that is truly frightening!

  5. I might consider the source if I were you.

    She is not anti birth control ... unless it's a form of abortion that is being used as birth control.

  6. And she supports a schooling system that will not fail our youth as it has you!

    Obama's choice of Biden = the same old Washington he promised to "change"

    McCain's choice of Palin = sheer brillance; breathe of fresh air; much more accomplished than Obama who has never run a city, state, or business of any type. Never held an executive position of ANY type!

    McCain\Palin 08! Our next President and Vice President!

  7. I think Palin in her speech got the Strategy right "Hillary left 18 million cracks.." - so they see it as a chance to get the Hillary vote from women.

    In a way, I think its really an insult to women who voted Hillary, the two parties have totally different agenda's, and Palin's basically suggesting Women are mindless and will just vote for another women , Hillary campaigned on issue's that are totally opposite to theirs.

  8. She is conservative so naturally liberals find her crazy.

    1)She is pro-life.

    2)She discounts man-made global warming

    3)She hunts for sport and meat

    4)She believes that intelligent design and evolution should be taught side by side.

    5)NRA member

    These are the reasons why liberals find her crazy as a loon.  

    Now moderates and pundits have questioned her experience status and wonderring why McCain has picked her since that was one of the very legit reasons to question Obama.  The punidts on TV roundtables now believe that McCain can't put experience as an issue anymore....I disagree with that but that's just me.

  9. Cite one place where she actually said that.

    There is no place to find it because she never said it.

    Don't believe everything you hear.

  10. As a middle-aged moderate Republican male, I could not be happier about McCain's choice of Sarah Palin for his Vice Presidential running mate. Do I agree with her on every issue? No. I disagree with her views on creationism being taught in public schools and her anti-global warming views, but in the grand scheme of things, it really doesn't matter because she's running for VICE president, not President.

    I have been clamoring for the GOP to reach out to new constituencies and seek to achieve gender and ethnic diversity in our party ranks for a long time. It is nice to see us break the glass ceiling and have a woman representing our party for the 2nd highest office in the land. I could not be prouder to be a Republican today.

    Sarah Palin is such a wonderful, compelling, awesome woman. She's given birth to five children, the last of whom has Down's syndrome. Plus, she KNEW he had Down's syndrome 4 months into the pregnancy, and she STILL decided to have him. She drives herself to work every day. She sold Alaska's state-owned plane on eBay, and returned the proceeds to taxpayers. She took on Exxon, BP, and Amoco and pushed for higher taxes on them in Alaska. She battled corruption in her own party and fought to achieve real ethics reform in a state where both major political parties were awash in dirty money. She actually went into labor in April while giving a speech at a conference in Texas (her amniotic sac, or "water", broke), but she decided to finish the speech before jumping on a plane for an 11-12 trip back to Alaska to give birth. And, to top it all off, she is an avid hunter and fisherwoman who once broke her finger on a commercial fishing boat....and continued the fishing expedition rather than head back in. I have all the respect for her in the world.

    Sarah Palin ROCKS. She is the greatest thing that has happened to the Republican Party since Ronald Reagan came along. My only regret in McCain's nominating her is that I can't vote for her for President instead of Vice President.      

  11. McCain's choice tells us he is in a panic. If the Republicans steal the election AGAIN, I HOPE he doesn't panic when the red phone rings. . .

    What an insult to woman voter's. He picked her ONLY because she was a young woman. There clearly were more experienced and more qualified Republican woman to choose.

    Mccain is so shallow and out of touch.

  12. Crazy like a fox.

  13. I think he wanted to choose someone who is much like himself where the issues are concerned.....

  14. McCain made a RASH decision - he barely knew Palin, meeting her just once in February.  Palin is extreme on several issues.  She also wants to teach creationism in schools.

  15. She doesn't believe in climate change either. its ridicules shes a right wing Nutcase I don't want her running the country

  16. Why is she crazy? She is married. If she chooses not to use these forms of birth control that is her right.

    Personally I think McCain chose very well. He chose a woman who obviously has no problems running her family and her state at the same time. Palin brings a lot to the table. While she may be inexperienced, she still has more than Obama.

    Palin is a smart lady and I think she will be a wonderful VP.

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